Dr. William Arthur Harvie, a veteran of the Great war and a promi-
nent physician and surgeon of Regina, was born in Orillia, Ontario, in
1886, a son of Donald McLeod and Elizabeth (Ball) Harvie, likewise
natives of that province. The paternal grandfather, John Harvie, was
born in Scotland and came to Canada at an early day. He took up a home-
stead in Ontario and resided thereon for many years. There were six
children in the Harvie family, two doctors, one dentist and the others
were farmers. They lived within a short distance of each other. Donald
Harvie has engaged in farming in Ontario for many years. He is active
in political circles, being a strong supporter of the Liberal party, and
for eight years he held the office of county councillor. To Mr. and Mrs.
Harvie three children have been born, William Arthur Harvie being the
second in order of birth. They are consistent members of the Congre-
gational church and fraternally the father is identified with the Sons of
In the pursuit of his early education William Arthur Harvie attended
the public schools of his birthplace and subsequently enrolled in the Orillia
Collegiate Institute. In 1904 he became a student at the University of
Toronto and was graduated in 1908 with the M. D. degree. For one year
he was an interne at the Moses Tyler Hospital in Scranton, Pennsyl~
vania, United States of America, and in June of the year 1909 he came
to Regina, where he has since made his home and he has an extensive
practice. In January, 1916, Dr. Harvie put all personal interests aside
and enlisted in the Canadian army for service in the Great war. He was
commissioned a captain and went overseas with the Saskatchewan Hos-
pital Unit in March, 1916, as a member of the surgical staff. During
the latter part of the war the Doctor was attached to the Independent
Air Force. He returned to this country on Christmas Day of 1918, and
after receiving his honorable discharge he resumed his practice. He
specializes in surgery and has become widely known for his skill in this
branch of the profession.
In October, 1916, Dr. Harvie was married to Miss Marjorie A. Mc-
Intyre, the ceremony being performed while they were overseas. Mrs.
Harvie is a native of Lanark, Ontario. To them one daughter has been
born: Helen Maxwell, who is three years of age. The religious faith of
Dr. and Mrs. Harvie is manifested by their membership in the Knox
Presbyterian church and fraternally he is identified with the Ancient
Free & Accepted Masons. Along strictly professional lines he holds
membership in the Canadian Medical Association and the Saskatchewan
Medical Association. He has recently received his fellowship in the Ameri-
can College of Surgeons. Dr. Harvie has taken considerable postgraduate
work and has attended the Mayo Brothers clinics at Rochester, Minnesota,
United States of America, and those held in Chicago. He has been surgi-
cal consultant for the Soldiers Civil Reestablishment Bureau since
returning from the war. Socially the Doctor holds membership in the Was-
cana Country Club and he is fond of hockey and all outdoor
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