Dr. Hugh Howard Mitchell is engaged in the general practice of medi- cine in Regina. He was born in Welland county, Ontario, in 1883, a son of Hugh and Sarah Augusta (McMicking) Mitchell, the former a native of Welland county, born on his father's old homestead, and the latter of Queenston Heights. The paternal grandfather, John Mitchell, was born in Scotland and came to this country in 1826, homesteading in Ontario. He had learned the trade of cabinetmaker in the old country and he fol- lowed that trade with great success. Robert McMicking, the maternal grandfather, was of Loyalist stock and his parents came to Ontario from the States. Hugh Mitchell, Sr., has engaged in farming for many years and has won prominence as an agriculturist. He and his wife are con- sistent members of the Presbyterian church and he is a stanch supporter of the Liberal party. They became parents of ten children, seven of whom are living, Hugh Howard Mitchell, whose name introduces this review, being the fourth in order of birth. In the pursuit of his education Hugh Howard Mitchell attended the high school at Niagara Falls and in due time enrolled in the University of Toronto, from which institution he was graduated in 1910, with the M.D. degree. He went to New York for three years and while there was connected with St. Vincent's Hospital, Bellevue Hospital, the Manhattan Maternity Hospital and the Willard Parker Hospital. He came to Regina in 1913 and opened offices for the practice of his profession, and has since successfully engaged in general practice. He is a constant student of his profession and since coming to this city has taken postgraduate work in Toronto and New York city. In April, 1915, Dr. Mitchell was married to Miss Myrtle Acton, a native of Alexandria, Manitoba, who received her education in Brandon. To them two children have been born: William Howard Acton, who is seven years of age; and Hugh Lawson, five years of age. Mrs. Mitchell is a woman of culture and refinement and she is prominent in the club and social circles of Regina. Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell are members of the Westminster Presbyterian church, in which they are interested workers. Fraternally the Doctor is identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and he also holds membership in the United Order of Canad- ians. He is a member of the Canadian Club, the Kiwanis Club and the Wascana Country Club. He is very fond of golf and spends a great deal of his spare time on the links at the Country Club. Along strictly profes- sional lines the Doctor is identified with the Saskatchewan Medical So- ciety, the Regina Medical Society and the Canadian Medical Society. Bibliography follows:

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