Solomon P. Grosch, Commissioner of the Local Government Board of Saskatchewan, was born at Milverton, Ontario, on April 13, 1880, son of Casper S. and Catharine Grosch. He was the fifth of a family of seven children, four of whom are living. He began his educational career in the public schools of his birthplace, after which he attended the Collegiate Institute at Stratford. As a member of the class of 1904 he graduated from Toronto University, with the Bachelor of Arts degree in political science, with honors. Continuing his studies at Toronto University con- temporaneously with his studies in law at Osgoode Hall, he obtained the degree of Bachelor of Laws from his Alma Mater in 1907, and during the same year graduated from the law school with honors. He read law with Macdonald, Shepley, Middleton and Donald, Toronto, and in 1907 entered into partnership with Hon. A. G. MacKay, King's Counsel, Owen Sound, Ontario, where he gained much valuable experience. This partnership continued until August, 1910, when Mr. Grosch accepted the position of city solicitor for the city of Regina. In this capacity he was connected with considerable litigation of public interest, including the first street railway accident case arising in the province, as well as the Grand Trunk Pacific Hotel site controversy. In both cases the courts gave decisions favourable to the city. When the Local Government Board was created Mr. Grosch was ap- pointed one of the commissioners, on January 1, 1914, and in this capacity he is still acting. As the legal member of the board, he wrote the judg- ment in connection with the controversy which had arisen over the pay- ment of taxes by public and separate school supporters. According to this decision it was the religious faith (Protestant or Roman Catholic) of the taxpayer that governed. Once the religious faith of the taxpayer was determined, the payment of taxes to any particular school district was held to be no longer optional but compulsory. This decision was affirmed by the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal and by the Judicial Com- mittee of the Privy Council. Mr. Grosch was made King's Counsel in 1917. He has proved himself an excellent solicitor and an able administrator, his work for the city of Regina, and on the Local Government Board, being productive of good results. Several financial corporations have taken advantage of his ex- perience and ability, and have placed him on their boards of management. The Central Canadian Securities Corporation of Liverpool, England, has chosen him as a member of the Canadian board of managers, while the Saskatchewan Mortgage & Trust Corporation has elected him to its board of directors. In June, 1911, Mr. Grosch was married to Robina Howie Duncan of Owen Sound, Ontario, and they have become the parents of two children: A daughter, Catharine, aged ten; and a son, Duncan, aged eight. Mrs. Grosch received her public and high school education at Owen Sound, and her college education at Havergal College, Toronto. A Presbyterian in his religious faith, Mr. Grosch has been a member of Knox Presbyterian church since his arrival in the city. During his partnership with Hon. A.G. MacKay, K. C., he was active in Liberal circles, and frequently ad- dressed audiences in an effort to win his hearers to the Liberal cause. He has retained his youthful enthusiasm for football and tennis, which he played as a boy and young man. He is thoroughly alive to the vast opportunities for expansion in the Canadian West, and both as a public official and as a private citizen, is doing his part toward the upbuilding of this great region. Bibliography follows:

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