William G. Hyland, manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Saskatoon, is one of the district's foremost citizens. He was born in Oshawa, On- tario, on the 1st of April, 1876, a son of George and Mary (Howden) Hyland, natives of that province. Both Howden and Hyland families were early landed proprietors and came into possession of more tha~ two thousand acres one hundred and fifty years ago. The parents of Mr Hyland resided in Oshawa throughout their lives. The father died in June, 1922, at the age of ninety years, but the mother passed away in June, 1912. In the pursuit of his education William G. Hyland attended the public and high schools of his birthplace and at the age of sixteen years entered the employ of the Bank of Hamilton. He was active in financial circles for five years and then in 1897, prior to the rush to the Klondike, he went into that region and engaged in mining for six years. At the termi- nation of that time he returned to Ontario and entered the employ of the Bank of Hamilton at Chesley. He was manager of the bank there for several years and then held that position in other places for a time. In 1916 he came to Saskatoon as manager of the Bank of Hamilton and has since resided here. There is no phase of the banking business with which he is not familiar and he has the confidence and esteem of all with whom he is associated. In December, 1905, Mr. Hyland was married to Miss Jean Grant, a daughter of James and Elizabeth (Common) Grant. Mr. Grant was a native of Scotland, while his wife was born in Ontario. He came to the province of Ontario at an early day and engaged in the manufacture of woolens for many years, becoming a prominent and successful business man of his day. His death occurred in 1912. Mrs. Grant is living in Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hyland have two children: Mary Elizabeth and James Grant, twins, born in November of the year 1906. Mary Elizabeth is now attending school in Lausanne, Switzerland, while her brother is a student at the Trinity College School at Fort Hope. Since attaining his majority Mr. Hyland has given his political alle- giance to the Conservative party and he has firm belief in the principles of that party as factors in good government. His religious faith is that of the Anglican church. Mr. Hyland is an active member of the Board of Trade and socially is identified with the Saskatoon Club and the Sas- katoon Country Club. Bibliography follows:

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