William Thomas Birney is a hardware merchant of Saskatoon and ranks among this city's representative business men. He was born in Fordwick, Ontario, on the 27th of January, 1881, a son of William James and Jennie (Smith) Birney, natives of the province of Ontario. The father acquired a homestead in his native province and farmed it until April, 1913, when he sold out and went to Gilbert Plains, Manitoba. There he purchased a section of land and is still cultivating it at the age of seventy-six years. Mrs. Birney is sixty-five years of age. In the acquirement of his education William Thomas Birney attended the public schools of Elmwood, Ontario, and in due time was graduated from the high school at Walkerton. At the age of fourteen years he accepted a position with the Knechtel Furniture Company at Hanover, Ontario, and he remained with that concern for four years. Mr. Birney is an expert lacrosse player. He was located at various places for several years, or until 1902, when he came west and located in Winnipeg, where for one year he had charge of the furniture department at Banfield's. He was traveling salesman for Potters wholesale furniture company of Winnipeg for five years and then became associated with the Moffit Stove Company in a like capacity. At the termination of four years he accepted a position with Clare Brothers, Western Stoves & Heating, and remained with them for eight years. On the 5th of March, 1921, he bought out the Houlding hardware Company's stock at Saskatoon and has since con ducted this business. He enlarged the store, increased the stock and has built up an extensive trade. In December, 1911, Mr. Birney was married to Miss Rosetta McDon ald of Toronto, and they have become parents of two children: Jack, born on the 6th of December, 1917; and Margaret, born on the 26th of May, 1918. In his political views Mr. Birney is independent, giving his sup- port to the man he thinks best fitted for the office without regard to party principles. He has never sought nor desired political preferment but is essentially public-spirited and his assistance can always be counted upon in any project for the improvement of the city. Fraternally he is identi- fied with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, holding membership in Manitoba Lodge, No.1 the Masons, holding membership in the Saska- toon Lodge; and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. His religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian church. Along strictly business lines Mr. Birney is identified with the Retail Merchants Association of Canada and he is secretary of the local branch. Bibliography follows:

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