Dr. John Gemmell, who enjoys an extensive practice in Assiniboia, was born in the province of Ontario, on the 24th of January, 1880, a son of Thomas and Mary Anne (Cox) Gemmell, farmers in the province of Saskatchewan for many years. In the pursuit of his education John Gemmell attended the public schools of Huron county, Ontario, and in 1900 came to Saskatchewan and engaged in farming. He acquired land near Moose Jaw and resided there on until 1910, achieving substantial success as an agriculturist He was ambitious to enter the medical profession and subsequently he enrolled iii the Winnipeg Medical College, from which institution he was graduated with the M. D. degree in 1915. For the following year he remained in Winnipeg, being a member of the staff of the General Hospital in that city and in due time he engaged in the practice of his chosen profession on his own account. lie practiced in Winnipeg during the year 1917 and in January of the year 1918, came to Assiniboia, where he has since resided. Dr. Gemmell has built up an extensive and lucrative patronage and ranks high among the foremost members of his profession in the city and dis- trict. He is a constant student of his profession and through membership in various medical associations keeps in touch with the advancement ever being made by his fellow practitioners throughout the country. In 1911 Dr. Gemmell was married to Miss Victoria Patmore, a native of Ontario, and to them one child has been born: John Patmore. Mrs. Gemmell is prominent in the club and social circles of Assiniboia. Dr. Gemmell is essentially public-spirited and is now serving as a member of the town council. He has been a dominant factor in the inauguration and completion of many movements for the benefit of the community. Fra- ternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is readily conceded to be an exemplary member of that organization. He is an active member of the local Board of Trade and his religious faith is indicated by his attendance at the Presbyterian church. Bibliography follows:

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