Since 1922 Norman Tamblyn has been manager of the Royal Bank
at Unity and during this short time has made many friends here and
has won a place for himself among the most estimable business men of
the community. He was born in Cornwall, England, on the 2d of May,
1886, a son of William Henry and Elizabeth (Brenton) Tamblyn, likewise
natives of England. In early life the father became a mining engineer
and followed that profession for many years, achieving financial inde-
pendence. He is now living retired in Cornwall, where he has always
made his home.
Norman Tamblyn received his education in the public schools of Corn-
wall and in due time was graduated from high school. He then accepted
a position in the clerical department of the Great Western Railway in Eng-
and was thus occupied until 1907, when he came to Canada, locating at
Alameda, Saskatchewan. There he worked on a farm for a time and
then moved to Toronto, where he worked as a bookkeeper for nine months.
He then returned west and located at Dalesboro, resuming his agricul-
tural pursuits for two years. He went on the farm to regain his health
which had been impaired by the confining nature of his work as book-
keeper and upon regaining his health he again entered the business world.
On the 28th of October, 1910, he joined the staff of the Northern Crown
Bank as junior clerk and remained there one year, when he was trans-
ferred to Winnipeg and thence to Yorkton, Saskatchewan. In Septem
ber, 1913, he was made manager of the bank's branch at Fiske, Saskatche-
wan, and two years and three months later he was transferred to Venn,
where he remained four years. He then became manager of the Alameda
Bank, where he had started as junior clerk, filling that position for three
years. In December, 1922, he came to Unity as manager of the bank.
Mr. Tamblyn is a self-made man and is accorded the confidence and
esteem of all who know him. Having worked his way up from junior
clerk to manager, there is no phase of the banking business with which
he is not thoroughly familiar and he is indeed well fitted to discharge the
duties of his present important position. Mr. Tamblyn has farming
interests in the Venn district, in the cultivation of which he is active.
In December, 1914, Mr. Tamblyn was married to Miss Mary McLeod,
and they have become parents of two children: Hugh, born in September,
1917; and Glenn Owen, both on the 13th of February, 1919. Mr. Tam-
blyn was reared in the Methodist faith, and he attends the Cooperative
church here. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and the Inde-
pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Tamblyn has always been interested
in all outdoor sports and is an enthusiastic follower of the seasonable
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