Ralph C. Geddes, junior member of the firm of Macklem & Geddes, is a barrister and solicitor of Saskatoon. He was born in Port Elgin, On- tano, March 26, 1890, a son of David and Alice (Kidner) Geddes, the for- mer a native of Scotland and the latter of Ontario. David Geddes, who was about six years of age when he accompanied his parents on their emigration to Canada, received his education in the public schools of Ontario. Throughout his active business career he engaged in general merchandising at Port Elgin, where he passed away in September, 1922. His widow still makes her home at Port Elgin. In the pursuit of his education Ralph C. Geddes attended the public and high schools of his native town and subsequently entered the Uni- versity of Toronto, which institution conferred upon him the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1911. During the two succeeding years he was an instructor at the Bishop Ridley College of Saint Catharines and in 1913 came to Saskatchewan, taking up the study of law at Moose Jaw. Later he removed to Saskatoon and there continued his law reading until Oc- tober, 1915, when he enlisted for service in the Great war as a private in the Fifth University Company, with which he went overseas in March, 1916. He received a lieutenant's commission and was later promoted to a captaincy. He participated in many of the principal battles of the war, was awarded the Military Cross and sustained wounds that necessitated his confinement in a hospital in England for nine months. Upon being released from the hospital Mr. Geddes returned to France and remained in active service until the close of the war. After receiving his honorable discharge in 1919 he came back to Canada and for one year was a student at Osgoode Hall, from which institution he was graduated with honors in the spring of 1920. He then returned to Saskatoon, wrote his third year examinations and was admitted to the bar in June, 1920. He commenced practice in partnership with John Macklem and since that time has been a member of the firm of Macklem & Geddes. He belongs to the Saskatoon Bar Association, the Saskatchewan Bar Association and the Dominion Bar Association. Mr. Geddes gives his political support to the Conservative party, holds membership in the Canadian Club and finds needed relaxation in outdoor sports, being particularly fond of tennis. Bibliography follows:

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