Graham Campbell Blair Baillie is numbered among the substantial business men of Saskatoon, where he is manager of the Nutana Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. He was born in Argyleshire, Scot- land, in September, 1892, a son of James and Helen (Aitchison) Baillie, natives of that country, where for many years the father was an estate factor and he is now living retired in Glasgow. Mrs. Baillie is also living and they have many friends in that city. Graham C. B. Baillie has four brothers in the old country, all of them masters at sea. All served in the Great war, the eldest brother losing three ships as the result of sub- marine warfare. Two of the brothers received decorations from France for exceptional bravery. In the pursuit of his education Graham Campbell Blair Baillie attend- ed the public schools of his native country. At the age of sixteen years he came to Canada and located at Sault Sainte Marie, where he accepted a minor position with the Canadian Bank of Commerce at a salary of two hundred and fifty dollars a year. Mr. Baillie found the banking business very much to his liking and he worked his way up from the very bottom. Some two years after his initial step into banking he was sent to Portage la Prairie and later to Winnipeg, Grand View, Manitoba, and to many other towns where the bank had branches in Manitoba and Sas- katchewan. In July, 1921, he came to Saskatoon as manager of the Nu- tana Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mr. Baillie is a veteran of the Great war. In December, 1915, he joined the Canadian Field Artillery as gunner of the Fifty-ninth Winnipeg Battery and in the spring of the following year was sent overseas. He took part in all of the prin- cipal battles of the war and was seriously wounded. The wounds received in the service of his country have so affected him that no company will grant him life insurance. He was discharged from the army in March, 1919, with the rank of Bombardier and immediately returned to the serv- ice of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. On the 25th of September, 1920, Mr. Baillie was married to Miss Mary S. McNaught, and they are parents of one child: Graham Campbell Blair, Jr., whose birth occurred on the 23d of November, 1922. Fratern- ally Mr. Baillie is identified with the Masons. He has transferred his membership from Keystone Lodge, Sault Sainte Marie, to Saskatchewan Lodge, No. 16. He is interested in all athletics~ and is a member of the local Golf Club and is a curler of no little prominence, having won several gold badges in curling tournaments. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church and in politics he is independent, giving his support to the man he thinks best fitted for the office without regard to party principles. Bibliography follows:

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