Arthur Hillyard Gardiner, mayor of Sutherland, is one of the popular and progressive citizens of this community. He was born in Durham county, Hope township, Ontario, in July, 1872, a son of M. N. and Mary Jane (Gordon) Gardiner, likewise natives of that county. The father is eighty years of age and is still farming the home place in Durham county, on which he was born. He is one of the representative agricul turists in that section of the county and is held in high confidence and esteem. Mrs. Gardiner died in March, 1895. Arthur Hillyard Gardiner spent his. boyhood days on the home farm and received his education in the rural schools. He engaged in farming with his father and then by himself until he was thirty-five years of age. In 1908 he went to Saskatoon, homesteaded near Alberta boundary and operated that land one year, at the termination of which time he aban- doned it. He built the first shack in that township. After leaving the farm he went to work for the Canadian Pacific Railroad at Sutherland, starting as fitter's helper and working his way up to locomotive pipe fitter, which latter position he has filled successfully for six years. Soon after taking up residence in this community Mr. Gardiner became actively identified with civic affairs and while a member of the town council was elected to the office of mayor to fill a vacancy. He proved such an effi- cient executive that he has been reelected to the office every year since and during his administration has inaugurated and brought to comple- tion many movements for the benefit of the community at large. Mr. Gardiner is a man of sterling personal worth and has the interests of the people at heart. On the 1st of June, 1910, Mr. Gardiner was married to Miss Emeline Thorn and they are the parents of one child: Florence Adelaide, whose birth occurred on the 7th of March, 1911. Mr. Gardiner votes with the Progressive party and his religious faith is that of the Methodist church. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Rebekahs, of which he is past district deputy grand master. Mr. Gardiner has great faith in Sutherland and her future and has accumulated considerable valuable property here and in Saskatoon, from which he receives good rentals. He is a thorough business man, keen of perception, quick to seize opportunities and is void of any fear. Bibliography follows:

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