In a history of the successful men of Saskatoon mention should be made of Bert R. Masecar, who is prominently known as proprietor of Masecar & Company, chartered accountants, with offices in the Cole block. He was born in Jarvis, Ontario, on the 3d of May, 1885, a son of John R. and Theresa (Moblo) Masecar, natives of that province. The father was a successful business man. For over thirty-five years he was manager of Lever Brothers factory at West Toronto and was a dominant factor in its great success. His death occurred in August, 1920. His widow is residing in Toronto. The public schools of Toronto afforded Bert R. Masecar his early edu- cation and in due time he was graduated from high school. For two years he was engaged in stenographic work and then became associated with the auditing department of the Canadian Pacific Railway, where he remained four years. He was bookkeeper for a grain and produce com- pany at Cranbrook, British Columbia, for two years and subsequently went to Winnipeg and entered the employ of Webb, Read & Hegan, char- tered accountants. There he received a goodly part of his training in accountancy, being in their employ for some three years. In 1909 he came to Saskatoon and became associated with Ronald, Griggs & Company for two years. In 1911 Mr. Masecar opened an office on his own account and has built up an extensive and important patronage and he stands high among the foremost members of the accounting profession in the city and country. He received his degree as a chartered accountant in 1910. He works throughout all of Saskatchewan, and his business is an extensive as to demand the services of six people at all times. In September of the year 1913, Mr. Masecar was married to Miss Ethel Gardner, a daughter of William and Jane Gardner. The father was born in Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner were pioneer set Saskatchewan, homesteading some land near Saskatoon. Mr. Gardner passed away in 1918. His widow survives him, making her her home at Herschel. To Mr. and Mrs. Masecar four children have been born: Marion, Ruth, Rhoda and Evelyn. Fraternally Mr. Masecar is identified with the Masons and he holds membership in Saskatchewan Lodge, No. 16, of which he is secretary. He is also past master of the local lodge. As a public-spirited and progressive citizen he holds membership in the Rotary Club and socially he is identified with the Saskatoon Club and the Canadian Club. The religious faith of Mr. Masecar is indicated by his attendance at the Anglican church. Along the lines of his business he is identified with the Dominion Association of Chartered Accountants of which organization he was president in 1922 and 1923 and he was president of the Saskatchewan Association of Chartered Accountants for the year 1920-1921. He served on the council of the Provincial Asso- ciation for seven years and has been a member of the board of examiners of the Saskatchewan University for the past five years. Mr. Masecar has been an important factor in the business life of Saskatoon and his genial manner has won for him a host of friends. Bibliography follows:

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