The firm of Martie & Hoad has had for many years one of the most up-to-date meat markets in Saskatoon, and Fred C. Hoad is the enter- prising junior partner. He was born in Toronto on the 4th of February, 1885, a son of Henry and Elizabeth Hoad, natives of England, who came to Canada about 1870 and located in Toronto, where Mr. Hoad engaged in the butcher business for a good many years, winning a substantial measure of prosperity. Subsequently he retired from active life and made his home in Toronto until his demise in October, 1922. Mrs. Hoad died in 1907. Fred C. Hoad was reared and educated in the public and high schools of Toronto and subsequently entered his father's butcher shop, thor- oughly learning the business. He assisted his father for several years and then for three years was an employe of the J. F. Brown Furniture Company. Subsequently he resumed the butcher business and was active in that capacity until 1909, when he came west and located in Port Ar- thur, where he managed the Gibson-Gage Meat Market for two years. In 1911 he came to Saskatoon and for a time was associated with Gordon, Ironside & Fares and later with the late R. F. Preston in the Preston Meat Market. In 1914 he severed his relations with that company and formed a partnership with Fred Martie, under the firm name of Martie & Hoad. They opened the Central Meat Market, which is the oldest establishment of its kind in the city. They are wholesale and retail dealers in meats and have a large trade. They give their patrons satis- factory and courteous service and thereby retain a steady and substantial patronage. This firm owns considerable real estate in the city and two business blocks on Second avenue, which is the main business street of Saskatoon. They also have extensive farming interests. In November, 1907, Mr. Hoad was married to Miss Melvina Healey and they have one child: Frederick, whose birth occurred in April, 1918. Mrs. Hoad is prominent in the club and social circles of this community. The political allegiance of Mr. Hoad is given to the Liberal party and he has a firm belief in the principles of that party as factors in good government. Fraternally Mr. Hoad is identified with the Knights of Columbus, of which organization he has been deputy grand knight, and he also holds membership in the Catholic Order of Foresters. He is an active member of the Rotary Club and along strictly business lines is identified with the Retail Merchants Association of Canada, being treas- urer of the local branch. Mr. Hoad is a consistent communicant of the Catholic church. In all ~of his business and social relations he is straight- forward and reliable, enjoying the full confidence of those with whom he is associated. Bibliography follows:

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