Edgar R. Demaray, manager of the Underwood Typewriter Company for Regina, is one of those men who took up stenography as a youth and through it worked up to an excellent position in the business world. Be- ginning as stenographer for the Canadian Pacific Railroad after he left high school, he has held a number of positions, including those of private secretary and court reporter, and has risen to a creditable executive posi- tion. The son of A. and Catherine (Johnston) Demaray, who lived in Ontario for many years, he was born in Middlesex, on Christmas Day of 1884. On his father's side of the house he comes from United Empire Loyalist stock and his father was born in the States. His mother's family is of English descent. The father was a Liberal in his political views and a Methodist in his religious faith, and the children, of whom there were six, were reared in that church. The subject of this review is the youngest of the family and one of the four who survive. Edgar R. Demaray was educated in Strathroy and the high school of London, Ontario, following which he entered upon his duties as a stenog- rapher for the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Two years later he came to Regina as a stenographer in the government service. This was in 1904, almost twenty years ago. Eventually he became private secretary to the Attorney-General and from there went to the courthouse as court reporter for four years. Mr. Demaray left court reporting to become manager of the office of the Underwood Typewriter Company at Sas- katoon. He had been filling that position but two years when his com- pany sent him back to Regina to take charge of the offices here. He is a capable manager and in each of his positions with the Underwood com- pany has produced efficiency all around, with substantial results in the sales departments. Mr. Demaray was married in 1907, to Miss Ethel Sisson, native of Watford, Ontario, and they have a daughter, Lorraine, who is now at- tending school. The family is affiliated with the Westminster Presbyterian church. Mr. Demaray is prominent in the work of the Knights of Pythias, in which he is grand chancellor for Saskatchewan. Very recently he completed the work of organizing the local Temple of the Dramatic order of the Knights of Khorassan and is its first imperial representative. Aside from these associations which serve to provide him with a wholesome amount of recreation and diversion from his business, Mr. Demaray con- fines his activities to the work of his office. This singleness of purpose and concentration on one line of work is one of the foremost reasons for his steady progress in the commercial world, for long ago he learned that by doing well the task at hand, a person best prepares for a greater one. Bibliography follows:

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