T.Austin Buchanan, manager of the Northern Saskatchewan Monarch
Life Assurance Company, is one of the most estimable citizens of Sas-
katoon. He is a veteran of the Great war and served his country gal-
lantly and fearlessly. He was born in Maberley, Lanark, Ontario, on the
8th of October, 1888, a son of William and Sarah Ann (Marks) Buchanan,
natives of Ontario. The father was a farmer and engaged in agricultural
pursuits in his native province throughout his life. His death occurred
in February, 1896, and was deeply regretted by all who knew him. Mrs.
Buchanan is living in Ontario.
In the acquirement of his education T. Austin Buchanan attended the
public schools of his birthplace and subsequently enrolled in the Kingston
Business College. In 1909 he came west to Winnipeg and for six months
worked for the Thomas Davidson Manufacturing Company. He then
accepted a position as traveling salesman for the Winnipeg Oil Company,
remaining with them for one year. At the termination of that time he
became associated with the Lake of the Woods Milling Company as travel-
ing salesman and his territory covered northern Saskatchewan, northern
Manitoba and northern Alberta. He was a traveling representative of
that concern until the fall of 1916, when he put all personal interests
aside and enlisted with the Two Hundred and Forty-third Battalion. He
was given a lieutenant's commission and was successful in recruiting up-
wards of half a company of men. He went overseas and joined the
Twenty-eighth Battalion and was severely wounded in battle on the 11th
of October, 1918. Mr. Buchanan participated in most of the strategic
battles of the war and was recommended for the Distinguished Service
Medal. The wounds he received on the 11th of October, 1918, put an
end to his career as a soldier. For two weeks he was confined in a hos-
pital in France and was then removed to an English hospital, where he
was a patient from November until March of the year 1919, when he was
sent to Canada on a stretcher. He was a patient in the government hos-
pital at Portland, Maine, for ten days, en route to Canada. He was
discharged from the military hospital at Moose Jaw on the 1st of July?
1919, but was forced to enter the hospital again in October, 1919. He
was discharged in November of that year and his old firm reinstated
him in his old territory in January, 1920. A short time afterward Mr.
Buchanan was sent to the hospital for another operation and further
treatment and left that institution for the third time on the 1st of May,
1920. He was semi-convalescent during the summer and in December,
1921, found it again necessary to return to the hospital, from which he
was discharged for the fourth time on the 1st of February. He then
entered business life in connection with the Confederation Life Com-
pany, with which he was associated until January of the year 1921, when
he resigned to accept his present position, which was offered him through
the manager of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, who is president
of the Monarch Life Assurance Company. As manager of the Northern
Saskatchewan branch of this business Mr. Buchanan has many important
duties to perform and he has proven to be the right man for the place in
every sense of the word. He has six full-time men under his direction
and his territory includes all of the northern part of the province.
In his political views Mr. Buchanan is independent, giving his sup-
port to the man he thinks best fitted for the office without regard to party
principles. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons, holding mem-
bership in Imperial Lodge, No.60; and along strictly business lines he is
affiliated with the Life Underwriters Association of Canada. The re-
ligious faith of Mr. Buchanan is that of the Methodist church. He is a
worthy representative of the modern and progressive man of today. He
has served his country fearlessly and devotedly, and he displays the same
qualities in the service of his company. He has the confidence and esteem
of all who know him and his friends are legion. Mr. Buchanan is un-
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