The pioneer wholesale grocery house in Saskatchewan is Cameron & Heap, Limited. With the extension of the business from Manitoba into this province some years ago, Stewart Coulter Burton came along as manager for Saskatchewan, with headquarters in Regina. He has not only been a dominant factor in the continued success of the business but has assisted in the development and improvement of this city. In 1922 he was elected mayor of Regina and his administration is meeting with the approval of his constituency. He was born at Lindsay, Ontario, in 1877, a son of Alex and Jean (Coulter) Burton. In the pursuit of his education Stewart Coulter Burton attended the schools at Midland and was a student at the Lindsay Collegiate Institute for some time. In 1892 he entered the employ of the Canadian Pacific Railroad and was in the freight department at Rat Portage from that year until 1903, when he became connected with the firm of Cameron & Heap at Kenora, and with the opening of the branch at Regina in 1907 he was appointed to the position of manager. His office is headquarters for the different branches throughout this province and in addition to being provincial manager he is also secretary and treasurer of the com- pany. During the past few years the trade has increased beyond all ex- pectations. The business has exclusively a wholesale grocery trade. Mr. Burton is a director of the Saskatchewan Mortgage Company, vice presi- dent of the Dominion Wholesale Grocers Association and ex-president of the Prairie Provinces Wholesale Grocers Association. He was chairman of the Saskatchewan Wholesale Grocers Guild and president of the Sas- katchewan branch of the Credit Men's Association. He has been an active member of the Regina board of trade for years and has served as president of the board and chairman of the transportation committee. In Winnipeg, in 1909, Mr. Burton was married to Miss Helen Pope, a daughter of J. C. Pope, former provincial auditor of Saskatchewan. Mr. Pope was born in Prince Edward Island and came to Regina in 1882. He was in the service of the government until 1911, when he retired. To Mr. and Mrs. Burton one child has been born: Alexander Pope. Mrs. Burton is a woman of culture and refinement and she is prominent in the club and social activities of Regina. Mr. Burton has always maintained an active interest in civic affairs and he was elected to the board of aldermen in 1919, serving until 1922, when he was elected to the office of mayor. During his administration he has inaugurated and brought to completion many movements for the benefit of the community and he is satisfactorily discharging the many duties devolving upon him. He was one of the managers of the library board and for four years a member of the organization, retiring in 1912. Mr. Burton is identified with the Masons and is readily conceded to be an exemplary member of the craft. He has attained the Thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite and is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He is now commander of the consistory and was potentate of the Shrine in 1922. He is also affiliated with the United Commercial Travelers and his religious faith is that of the Anglican church. He is a member of the Assiniboia Club, the Rotary Club, the Canadian Club and the Wascana Country Club. During his residence in Kenora he was secretary and treasurer of the Rowing Club and secretary and treasurer of the Curling Club. Mr. Bur- ton finds his greatest recreation in golf. He is a man of genial and pleas- ing personality and his friends are legion. In every undertaking he has been successful and is entitled to the position of honor accorded him by his fellow townsmen. Bibliography follows:

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