A pioneer in the brewing industry in Saskatchewan is Frank J. Clarke, who is manager of the Calgary Brewing Company in Regina. He was born in Prince Edward Island, in 1880, a son of D. E. and Mary A. (Cragg) Clarke, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Hali- fax, Nova Scotia. D. E. Clarke came to Prince Edward Island in the '60s and he was engaged in the shipping business for years, shipping produce principally to America. To Mr. and Mrs. Clarke eight children were born, six of whom are living, Frank J. Clarke, whose name intro- duces this review, being the third in order of birth. The religious faith of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke was that of the Roman Catholic church. They were highly respected and esteemed citizens of the community in which they resided so many years. In the pursuit of his education Frank J. Clarke attended the gram- mar schools of Orwell and in due time was graduated from the high school at Ewing. In the year 1898 he went to the western States, re- maining there for about a year, and then returned to Canada, locating in Calgary, Northwest Territories. He became clerk in the old Alberta Hotel, Calgary, which position he held until 1901, when he became as- sociated with the brewing business as bookkeeper and cashier of the Calgary Brewing & Malting Company, Limited. He was transferred to Regina in 1907, having charge of its Saskatchewan business. He has been active in this connection and is the pioneer in this line of business in Saskatchewan. In early life Mr. Clarke formed habits of industry and closely applied himself to every task at hand. He was determined to succeed in the business world and he well merits the position of promi- nence he has attained. He is sincerely devoted to his business and has been a dominant factor in its continued growth in this province. Mr. Clarke is also interested in farming and has a fine farm in the Davidson district. In 1912, in Winnipeg, Mr. Clarke was married to Miss Nellie M. Mc- Cabe, a native of Ontario, and they have one son, Orwell, who is ten years of age. The religious faith of the family is that of the Roman Catholic church and they are consistent communicants of the Holy Rosary church in this city. Fraternally Mr. Clarke is identified with the Knights of Columbus. He is public-spirited and although he has never sought nor desired political preferment, he is ever cognizant of the duties and re- sponsibilities as well as the privileges of good citizenship and to that end lends his aid in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community at large. Bibliography follows:

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