Hon. George Hedley Vicars Bulyea, Minister of Agriculture for the
Northwest Territories and Lieutenant Governor of Alberta for two terms,
beginning September 1, 1905, was born at Gagetown, Queens county,
New Brunswick, on the 17th of February, 1859, his parents being James
Albert and Jane (Blizzard) Bulyea, both of whom are deceased. Both
the Blizzard and Bulyea families come of United Empire Loyalist Eng-
lish stock.
George H. V. Bulyea acquired his early education in a grammar
school at the place of his nativity and then matriculated at the University
of New Brunswick, from which institution he was graduated with honors
in mathematics and French, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts in
1877, when a youth of eighteen. He is an honorary LL. D. of the Univer-
sity of New Brunswick and was the first honorary LL. D. of the University
of Alberta. Following his graduation in 1877 he was appointed prin-
cipal of the grammar school at Sunbury, New Brunswick, where he was
thus identified with educational interests until 1882, when he came to
the Northwest Territories. In the spring of 1883 he embarked in the
mercantile business at Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, where he was thus suc-
cessfully eugaged until his removal to Regina in 1887.
The Hon. Mr. Bulyea has figured very prominently in public affairs.
He was elected a member of the Territorial Legislature in 1894 and two
years later, when a bill was passed at Ottawa granting full responsible
government, he was selected by Premier Haultain as one of the members
of the first executive council, without portfolio. He was appointed on a
special mission to the Yukon, then part of the Northwest Territories, and
on his return in the fall of 1898 became Minister of Agriculture and Pro-
vincial Secretary. Subsequently he resigned these portfolios and was
made Minister of Public Works. On the passage of the autonomy bills
dividing the Northwest Territories into two provinces, the Hon. Mr.
Bulyea became the first Lieutenant Governor of Alberta and was sworn
in on September 1, 1905. In November, 1910, he was appointed for a
second term, on the expiration of which he became chairman of the
Public Utilities Commission for the province of Alberta. The latter
position he filled most acceptably until March 31, 1923, when he retired
on account of ill health. He is a great admirer of Sir Wilfred Laurier
and was an unswerving follower of that statesman during his life.
On the 29th of January, 1885, at Gagetown, New Brunswick, Mr.
Bulyea was united in marriage to Miss Annie Blanche Babbit, whose
birth there occurred on September 17, 1864, her parents being Robert
T. and Ella Lavinia (Curry) Babbit, also natives of Gagetown. Mrs.
Bulyea was the president of the Edmonton Young Women's Christian As-
sociation and is president of the local Council of Women, is prominent in
church work and is an influential advocate of temperance legislation. In
religious faith the Hon. Mr. Bulyea is a Baptist. His home is at Peach-
land, British Columbia.
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 Hon. George Hedley Vicars Bulyea,Hon. George Hedley Vicars Bulyea,Hon. George Hedley Vicars Bulyea, Hon. George Hedley Vicars Bulyea,Hon. George Hedley Vicars Bulyea,Hon. George Hedley Vicars Bulyea, Hon. George Hedley Vicars Bulyea,Hon. George Hedley Vicars Bulyea,Hon. George Hedley Vicars Bulyea,
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