A representative member of the Saskatchewan bar is Thomas Murray,
well known barrister of Prince Albert and Provincial Magistrate. He
was born near Calcutta, India, on the 24th of June, 1878, a son of John
and Alice (Burns) Murray, natives of Ireland. The father was an officer
in the Imperial army all of his active life, being stationed in India and
other British possessions. He retired in 1889, and is now living in Vic-
toria, British Columbia. Mrs. Murray is also living.
Thomas Murray was educated in an army or military school at Alder-
shot, England, attended other schools in that country and schools in
Ireland, the West Indies, and Halifax, Nova Scotia. He came to Canada
in 1887 and commenced the study of law in Montreal, being admitted to
the bar in 1907. He not only studied in Montreal but was associated
with Muir & Jephson at Calgary. He completed his course in Prince
Albert in the office of McKay & Adam. In the year that he was admitted
to the bar he was appointed local registrar of the Supreme court and
held that office until February, 1913. He then engaged in the practice
of law on his own account until 1920 and at the same time, from Decem-
ber, 1914, was active in the discharge of the duties of city police magis-
trate of Prince Albert. On the 2d of February, 1920, he was appointed
Provincial Police Magistrate and holds court throughout the province.
Mr. Murray's success as a barrister has been unusually rapid and well
merited and he occupies a position of prominence among the members
of the profession in the Dominion. Aside from the profession Mr. Mur-
ray is interested in agriculture and he operates some fine land in the
vicinity of Prince Albert.
On the 4th of August, 1909, Mr. Murray was married to Miss Helen
Evelyn Noble, a daughter of the late James Noble and his wife, Elizabeth
(Patton) Noble. The father was born in Collingwood, Ontario, and Mrs.
Noble was a native of the same place. Mr. Noble was prominently known
as a member of the firm of Noble Brothers, this firm being the originators
of the Northern Navigation Company and also of the Booth fisheries.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray have become the parents of five children: Kathleen
Elizabeth, born on the 31st of July, 1911; Basil Francis, born on the 19th
of May, 1913; Marjorie, born in 1917; Muriel, born in 1918; and Made-
line, who is deceased.
The religious faith of the Murray family is that of the Catholic church.
Along strictly professional lines he is affiliated with the Canadian Bar
Association, the Saskatchewan Bar Asosciation and the Prince Albert
Bar Association. He takes an active interest in civic affairs and is a
member of the Kiwanis Club, that organization composed of Prince Al-
bert's most substantial citizens. He is fond of all athletics and partici-
pates in all indoor and outdoor sports.
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