Numbered among the representative members of the Saskatchewan bar is William Balfour Carss, who enjoys an extensive practice in Kamsack. He was born in Lumsden, this province, on the 15th of February, 1892, a son of W. F. G. and Jean (Balfour) Carss. Mrs. Carss is a sister of James Balfour, extended mention of whom is made elsewhere in this work. W. F. G. Carss was a pioneer of Lumsden and he success- fully farmed in that district for many years. He is now living retired. Mr. and Mrs. Carss continue to make their home in Lumsden, where they are well known and highly esteemed. In the acquirement of his early education William Balfour Carss at- tended the schools in the vicinity of the home farm and of Lumsden. Later he enrolled in the Collegiate Institute at Regina and subsequently attended Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, receiving his degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1913. For four years, from 1913 to 1917, he studied law at Regina and Swift Current, Saskatchewan and in 1917 was admitted to the bar and after practicing in Swift Current for a few months he put all per- ~onal interests aside to offer his services to his country in the Great war. He enlisted in the Seventy-seventh Battery, C. F. A., and was transferred to the Twenty-third Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, in France, and was in active service overseas until 1919. Returning to this country, he received his honorable discharge in June, 1919, and came to Kamsack in September of that year. He began the practice of his profession here and has become one of the leading barristers and solici- tors in the district. In 1922 Mr. Carss was married to Miss Ethel Blewett, a daughter of William George Blewett, extended mention of whom is made elsewhere in this work. In his political views Mr. Carss is a Liberal and he main- tains an active interest in party affairs. He is public-spirited and has served on the town council. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons. Mr. Carss is a member of the local Board of Trade, of which he is secre- tary and treasurer. He is a man of progress and practical ideas and Kamsack is fortunate in having him for a citizen. Bibliography follows:

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