Frederick Arthur Creasy has lived in Saskatchewan some thirty-one
years. He is a general merchant at Sutherland, also owns a business
block there and has been influential in the development and improvement
of the community at large. A native of England, his birth occurred in
Plymouth, on the 10th of March, 1874, a son of John and Elizabeth
(Parker) Creasy, natives of England. His father was a shipping mer-
chant, which line of business he followed successfully throughout his life.
His death occurred in October of the year 1908. Mrs. Creasy died in
February, 1919.
Frederick Arthur Creasy was reared and educated in Plymouth, at-
tending the Portland grammar school. For two years he engaged in the
shipping business in Plymouth, working without any remuneration the
first year and receiving the sum of seven shillings a week the second
year. In 1892 he came to Canada and located at Saskatoon, where some
of his relatives resided. He had but ten cents to his name and immediate-
ly sought work, securing a job on a farm, where he continued to work as
a farm hand for two years. He then went to work in a government
creamery and worked in the first creamery in Saskatoon as assistant
butter-maker for three years, resigning to accept a position with Leslie
& Wilson. He drove the first delivery wagon in Saskatoon and later was
employed by James Clinkskill, who bought out the business. Mr. Creasy
remained with Mr. Clinkskill for ten years. In 1908 he came to Sutherland
and bought the general mercantile business of J. F. Cairns, which he has
since operated. He carries a complete and high grade stock and enjoys
an extensive and representative patronage. He believes that satisfied
patrons are the best advertisement and endeavors to serve them to the
best of his ability. He owns a fine business block here and his rise in
the business world has been rapid, being the result of his own intelligently
directed efforts and staunch determination. Meeting with many obstacles
that would have caused a less courageous man to turn back, Mr. Creasy
was only spurred to greater effort and the result is manifest in his present-
day success.
On the 21st of October, 1903, Mr. Creasy was married to Miss Gay
Irvin and to them two children have been born: Freda Marjorie and
Edna Gay. Fraternally Mr. Creasy is identified with the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows and the Masons. He is a member of the executive
committee of the Saskatoon Motor Association, and he gives his political
allegiance to the Conservative party and maintains an active interest in
local affairs. For four years he served on the town council. The religious
faith of Mr. Creasy is manifest in his attendance at the Presbyterian
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