One of the representative public officials of Saskatchewan is William
J. Butler, Sheriff of the Judicial District of Assiniboia. He was born in
Russell county, Ontario, on the 20th of June, 1884, a son of James and
Margaret (McLean) Butler, both of whom are living in Ottawa. For
many years the father has engaged in farming and speculating, becom-
ing very successful and he is one of the foremost citizens of the community
in which he resides. For some time he conducted a general mercantile
store at Hammond, Ontario.
William J. Butler received his education in the public schools of the
province of Ontario and upon the completion of his textbook learning
made his initial step into the business world. He came west to Assiniboia,
Saskatchewan, arriving here on the 21st of June, 1913, and immediately
engaged in the implement and hardware business, building up a large
patronage. In due time he sold the business at a substantial profit. Sub-
sequently he was elected mayor of Assiniboia, and was active in that im-
portant office in 1922, when he resigned in May of that year to accept his
present official position as Sheriff of the Judicial District of Assiniboia.
During his administration he inaugurated and brought to completion
many movements for the benefit of the community at large. From 1914
to 1917 he was secretary of the Board of Trade and served for three
years on the town council. He is accounted one of the energetic, pros-
perous and capable business men and public officials of the town, a stanch
supporter of all worthy and beneficial movements, and a general favorite
among those with whom he has come into contact.
On the 4th of June, 1918, Mr. Butler was married to Miss Agnes
Keegan and to their union three children have been born: Melville, Gene-
vieve and Eldeen. Mrs. Butler maintains an active interest in club and
social affairs of Assiniboia. Fraternally Mr. Butler is identified with
the Independent Order of Foresters and the Knights of Columbus. He is
readily conceded to be one of the most substantial citizens of this 'town
and well deserves the success he has achieved in life.
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