Arthur Burnett was the first barrister and solicitor to take up resi- dence in Maple Creek and in the intervening years he has become one of the foremost members of the district and provincial bar. He was born in the province of Quebec, on the 1st of February, 1875, a son of Thomas and Louise (Getty) Burnett. The father is a prominent busi- ness man in Quebec, having for years engaged in the cheese and butter manufacturing business there. In the pursuit of his early education Arthur Burnett attended the public schools of his birthplace and was graduated from McGill with the B.A. degree in 1895. That institution conferred the B.C.L. degree upon him in 1898. Mr. Burnett practiced his chosen profession in Mon: treal from 1899 to 1902 and in the latter year came to Saskatchewan and located at Maple Creek. He was the first barrister in this section of the province and was the only member of the profession between Medicine Hat, Alberta, and the boundary. There were no barristers and solicitors as far north as Battleford, Saskatchewan. Establishing offices in Maple Creek, Mr. Burnett soon built up a representative clientele and has wielded much influence in legal circles here. He has been town solicitor since taking up residence here and is a life governor of the local hos- pital. In July of the year 1903 Mr. Burnett was married to Miss Ethel Brown. Mrs. Burnett is actively interested in the club and social circles of Maple Creek, where she has many friends. Fraternally Mr. Burnett is identified with the Independent Order of Foresters and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is a member of the Board of Trade and takes an active interest in local political affairs. He has never sought nor de- sired political preferment but is ever cognizant of the duties and respon- sibilities as well as the privileges of good citizenship and is never too busy to lend his cooperation in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community. His religious faith is manifest in his attendance at the English church. Mr. Burnett has made many friends since coming to Maple Creek and well deserves the confidence and esteem accorded him. Bibliography follows:

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