Dr. Robert Alvin McLurg has practiced in Wilkie since the town was started in 1908 and has been a dominant factor in its development and improvement. He was born in Petrolia, Lambton county, Ontario, in July, 1878, a son of Dr. James and Isabella (Summerville) McLurg, also natives of the province of Ontario. The father practiced medicine at Woodstock, Ontario, for sixteen years and is now practicing at Sault Ste. Marie. In the pursuit of his preliminary education Robert Alvin McLurg attended the public schools of Woodstock and in due time enrolled in the local Collegiate Institute. He engaged in teaching school for three years and then entered Trinity Medical College at Toronto, graduating with honors in the class of 1904. Dr. McLurg won two scholarships and a medal. After his graduation he practiced with his father for a time and then came west and located in Battleford, Saskatchewan, where he re- sided for two years. In May, 1908, upon the organization of the town of Wilkie, he came here and has since made this community his home. He erected the thirteenth house in this town and his was the first home to be plastered. During the intervening years Dr. McLurg has been a con- stant student of his profession and he took work of a special and general nature in the New York Post Graduate College in 1917. He has an ex- tensive practice and has won success both as a physician and a surgeon. He has a complete X-ray outfit and does much work along that line. He operated a private hospital in Wilkie for eleven years and has been local surgeon for the Canadian Pacific Railroad since 1909. On the 1st of January, 1907, Dr. McLurg was married to Miss Georgia Allen of Paris, Ontario, and they have become parents of three chil- dren: John James, who was born in January, 1908; Patricia Mary, whose birth occurred in April, 1912; and Robert Ernest, who was born in April, 1915. Since attaining his majority the Doctor has given his political support to the Liberal party. Although his professional duties have made extensive demands upon his time, he has always found time to take his part in the progressive advancement of the town and is known as one of Wilkie's most substantial and necessary citizens. Dr. McLurg was president of the local Agricultural Society for seven years and has been a member of the school board for the past three years. For many years he has been health officer of Wilkie and has b~en coroner since 1908. He was president of the local Board of Trade for a long time. Along strictly professional lines he holds membership in the Dominion Medical Association, the Saskatchewan Medical Association and the Ca- nadian Radiological Association. Fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which he has been a member for twenty-five years. He is likewise connected with the Wilkie Golf Club and the Curling Club. The religious faith of Dr. McLurg is that of the Presbyterian church and he was chairman of the board of managers for eight or ten years. For four or five years he was president of the Red Cross Society and assisted in the organization of societies in different towns throughout the district. Dr. McLurg has indeed led an active life and has been a leading factor in the upbuilding of the community in which he resides. Bibliography follows:

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