A skilled physician and surgeon of Prince Albert is Dr. Wilfred C.
Bliss, who was born at St. Albans, Vermont, United States of America,
on the 6th of March, 1882, a son of Chlorns C. and Minnie (Bowker)
Bliss. His parents were of English descent and natives of the state of
Vermont, where the father was engaged in the general mercantile busi-
ness for several years. Chlorns C. Bliss, his father, was on the road
as a hardware salesman for many years, resigning that work because of
his health. He then engaged in farming and in the conduct of a dairy
and was also successful in raising live stock. In 1913 he retired from active
life and is now living in Saskatchewan, but spends his winters in Tampa,
Florida. Mrs. Bliss died on the 4th of May, 1886.
In the pursuit of his education, Wilfred C. Bliss attended the public
schools of his birthplace and of Elmira, New York, and subsequently
enrolled in the State University at Burlington, Vermont, where he took
up the study of medicine and was graduated therefrom with the M. D.
degree with the class of 1911. He then commenced practice at Wolcott,
Vermont, and later in the same year came to Prince Albert. He was
assistant surgeon at Mary Fletcher and Fanny Allen Hospitals during
1910 and 1911, while completing his medical education, and there re-
ceived practical and extensive experience. His rise in the profession has
been rapid and he enjoys a representative patronage in this community.
Aside from his profession the Doctor has a healthy hobby-breeding and
raising pure-blooded live stock at Butterby, Saskatchewan, which inter-
ests are for the most part looked after by his father and son and his fore-
man. There he raises pure-blooded shorthorn cattle and Yorkshire swine
and Percheron horses and operates one thousand acres of land, six hun-
dred and thirty-five of which are under cultivation. He has one of the
largest barns to be found on any stock farm in Saskatchewan, it being
two hundred by fifty~six feet, and containing all modern equipment. He
also has two large stave silos.
In March, 1902, Dr. Bliss was married to Miss Ida May VanPatten,
a member of one of the prominent old Dutch families of New York
state. Dr. and Mrs. Bliss have become parents of six children: E. Ken-
neth, twenty years of age, is assisting his grandfather in the conduct of
his father's farming interests; Dorothea, eighteen years of age, is an
efficient bookkeeper and stenographer; Beulah is nine years of age; Chlorns
C. is six years of age; Douglas B. is four; and the baby of the family,
VanPatten, is thirteen months old.
Fraternally the Doctor is identified with the Masons, the Eastern Star
and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He has always given his
political allegiance to the Progressive party and although he has never
sought nor desired political preferment, he is ever cognizant of the duties
and privileges of good citizenship and maintains an active interest in
civic affairs. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church, and
socially he is connected with the Keewatin Club. Dr. Bliss was medical
officer of Prince Albert Armory in 1916 and during the Great war served
as examining physician of the Scotch Highlanders, One Hundred and
Third Battalion and of the Forestry Units. He has been medical health
officer for the rural municipalities of Russia and Buckland and he is a
member of the staff and advisory board of the Victoria and Holy Family
Hospitals. He is vice president of the Prince Albert Medical Society and
holds membership in the College of Physicians & Surgeons. Dr. Bliss is
a hunter of big game and each year goes into the far north on a hunting
expedition. His life is one of continuous activity and he has the genius
for carrying to completion any project that he might undertake. He has
always held to the highest of professional ethics and is accorded the con-
fidence and esteem of his fellowmen, including his professional brethren.
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