James Fraser Bryant is well known in Regina as a barrister, active worker in the Conservative party and leader in educational circles. He was born in Glen Allan, Ontario, May 19, 1877, and is the son of Rev. James and Dora (McGill) Bryant. He was well educated as a boy and young man, attending the public schools of Bradford and Toronto, Upper Canada College, St. Catharines Collegiate Institute and Queen's Univer- sity. Later he studied law in the University of Manitoba. As a student Mr. Bryant exhibited marked mental powers, taking the honor course in classics in Queen's University and having the honor of being bronze medalist in law at the University of Manitoba. It was to teach English history and languages in the high school at Strathcona that Mr. Bryant first came west in 1901. He began to read law under the direction of Judge Johnstone of Regina in 1902 and four years later, after he had been called to the bar, he formed a legal partnership under the name of Jones, Gordon & Bryant. A year later this firm was changed, becoming Allan, Gordon, Bryant & Gordon, and so continued until 1914. Mr. Bry- ant's career in the legal profession has held many elements of progressing greatness and he has risen to the high place in the esteem of his clients and his colleagues before the bar to which he is entitled by reason of his outstanding ability and many achievements. Many of the qualities that make for leadership have been manifested in this barrister's career, both in and outside of his profession. The organizations of the Conservative party in this region, particularly, have felt the influence of his executive power. In 1911 and 1912 he was secre- tary of the Provincial Conservative Association; he presided over the Regina Conservative Association in 1914; for some years was secretary of the Regina County Conservative Association, and is at present presi- dent of the Saskatchewan Provincial Conservative Association. Mr. Bryant is in no sense an officeseeker. While he has devotedly served his party in various important capacities for years, he has never held an elective office as the result of this partisan loyalty, although offered nominations on different occasions in both the provincial and federal arena. His interest in educational affairs has been equal to that in poli- tics and he has been very energetic in promoting the educational progress of the city. He was for a number of years school trustee in Regina and for two years was chairman of the Regina public school board. For the past six years he has been president of the Saskatchewan Trustees Asso- ciation. This organization is the largest of its kind in the Dominion and Mr. Bryant was married in 1908 to Miss Mabel Myra Boyd of Regina. In 1906 Mr. Bryant served as a private in the Ninetieth Regiment of Win- nipeg. He is a member and past grand master of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of the Canadian Northwest, having held that office in 1914 and 1915. His other fraternal affiliation is with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. For the 1916-1917 term he was president of the Canadian Club of Regina and also belongs to the Assiniboia, Wascana Country and Regina Golf Clubs. His religious faith is that of the Pres- byterian church and he is an elder in the Knox Presbyterian church of this city. Mr. Bryant is fond of gardening and spends many happy hours working about his fruits and flowers. He has won the first prize for the best large garden in Regina for five consecutive years. Bibliography follows:

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