Albert Thomas Brook, member of the firm of Brook & Allison, one of the leading real estate, insurance and loan companies of Regina, was born in London, England, July 12, 1877, son of Thomas and Emma (Row- don) Brook. His parents, who are deceased, were born and lived all their lives in England. Thomas Brook was a member of the Metropolitan Police force of London and was killed while on duty during a riot, when he was but twenty-six years old. Besides his widow he left two sons: Albert Thomas, of this review; and Sydney William, who now lives in Meaford, Ontario. The boys were reared in the faith of the Church of England, to which their parents belonged. Albert Thomas Brook was educated in a private school at Bristol. At the age of fourteen he went to work in a furniture concern at Llangollen, Wales, where he remained from 1891 to 1898. In the latter year he came out to Canada, where he worked on a farm near Manitou, Manitoba, for a year or two, then took a position in a general store at Darlingford. At Darlingford he also acted as substitute postmaster. After some eighteen months spent there, he went to Winnipeg in 1902 to attend the Winnipeg Business College, from which he received a diploma in 1904. His record in this school was so excellent that when he had completed the course he was asked to stay and take charge of the commercial department, which he did for a year. There was no great future in this work, how- ever, for a young man full of ambition, so at the end of the first year he resigned his position to enter the employ of the Canadian Northern Rail- way, where there was plenty of opportunity to advance. Beginning in the Winnipeg office in a minor capacity, he had reached the position of chief clerk when he left in April of 1906, to come to Regina as yardmaster for the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. Brook had been in this city but a year when he left the employ of the railroad to engage in the real estate business for himself. He began as a member of the firm of Brook & Caldwell, which was dissolved at the close of twelve months. Mr. Brook continued his operations alone for a time, then after another brief partnership became associated with W. J. Allison in 1911, under the firm name of Brook & Allison. This company has had a very successful history in the general real estate and insurance business. In the rental business it is second to none in Regina. In addi- tion to managing a number of the big office buildings and business blocks, it is the renting agent for about four hundred residences in the city. It has the agencies for seven of the leading fire insurance companies of Canada and also writes plate glass, automobile and liability insurance. As the agent for a number of large loan companies it handles a large busi- ness of this nature. Mr. Brook and Miss Anna Frances Maria Hollinshead were married in October, 1909. Mrs. Brook was born at Aurora, Ontario, and educated at Richmond Hill, in the same province. She was a business woman be- fore her marriage, connected with the millinery trade. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Brook: Dorothy Marne Brook, aged six years. In the work of the Westminster Presbyterian church, to which he and his wife belong, Mr. Brook has taken a very active part, now serving on the board of managers and as chairman of the publicity committee and a member of the finance committee. His was the duty of presiding over the committee of the church that issued the call to the first minister of the congregation. He is a member of the Young Men's Christian Associa- and the Canadian Club, and has been identified with the Independent r of Odd Fellows for sixteen years. He casts his vote with the Liberal party but does not take an active part in politics. Many an organization of civic nature, however, has felt the benefit of his support and influence, for he has always been ready to give a practical expression of his faith in Regina's future. He belongs to the Real Estate Board and the Board of Trade and is now serving on the new industries and membership com- mittees of the latter body. Because of his intimate knowledge of property values in the city he was asked to serve on the first assessment board, where his work was a valuable assistance. While he devotes most of his time to his extensive business interests, Mr. Brook is mIndful of the fact that play is second in importance to work and accordingly, devotes some time each week to recreation and pleasure, aside from his church and association work. In the spring and summer he is frequently to be found working in his garden, of which he is rightly proud. Bibliography follows:

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