Harry Brodie, a member of the Moose Jaw Drug & Stationery Com- pany, which conducts a prosperous business on Main street of this city, came to Moose Jaw twenty-three years ago, to accept a position in the store of which he is now part owner. The son of James and Matilda A. (Stuart) Brodie, he was born near Stouffville, Ontario, on the 12th of January, 1870. His parents were both Scotch by birth, the father having been brought to Canada at the age of seven and the mother coming when she was a girl of thirteen. They were married in Ontario and lived in that province all their lives. As a young man James Brodie was a miller, but later he bought a farm in Ontario and subsequently operated an ele- vator at Markham. He was a Liberal in his political affiliations and an active member of the Presbyterian church, as was his wife. Seven of the eleven children born to this couple are now living, of whom Harry is the youngest. Until he was a young man he lived on the home farm and obtained his education in the high school at Markham. After completing his high school course he eventually took up the study of stenography, with the idea of entering the business world. While he was still living in the east Mr. Brodie became interested in the drug business, with which he has been associated in Moose Jaw for more than twenty years, and entered a drug store in Markham, where he worked for six years. In 1900 he set out for Vancouver, British Colum- bia, to try his fortunes in the newer Pacific country and on the way out came to Moose Jaw. He was on a train bound west from this city when he received a telegram asking him to come back to Moose Jaw. The result was that he returned to this city to accept a position in the drug store then owned by Turnbull and McCullouch. For his intelligence and appli- cation to duty in the store he was soon given the opportunity of becoming a partner of these men and has been associated with them ever since in a pleasant and successful business relationship. At the beginning of the first decade of this century the drug store was a small one, but as the years have passed by it has grown steadily until it is one of the largest and most prosperous in the city. The store building has been enlarged to meet the demands of an increasing trade and at the same time kept thoroughly up-to-date in all of its appointments. A large stock of drugs, toilet acces- sories and stationery contains all of the staples in this trade and provides the customers with a wide range of selection in those things which reflect the fashions of the hour. The business is now conducted under the firm name of the Moose Jaw Drug & Stationery Company, in which Mr. Brodie is one of the principal shareholders. Three years after he located permanently in Moose Jaw-on August 18, 1903-Mr. Brodie was united in marriage to Miss Ella Davidson, who was born and reared in Oshawa, Ontario, where she obtained her educa- tion. For some years before her marriage Mrs. Brodie taught school. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Brodie: Stuart, who is now thir- teen years old. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie are both affiliated with the Presby- terian church. Mr. Brodie is prominent in the Masonic circles of Moose Jaw as past master of St. George Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; a Royal Arch Ma- son, a Knight Templar and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. Also he has taken eighteen degrees in the Scottish Rite. Another of his fraternal asso- ciations is with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He has taken a leading part in many of the organizations of Moose Jaw that have to do with the advancement of the city along commercial, civic and social lines and is considered a decided asset to any society of which he may care to be a member. As a member of the Pharmaceutical Association he has served on the board for a number of years and for two years was its president. He belongs to the local board of trade, is a loyal member and former president of the Moose Jaw Rotary Club and sits on the board of the Moose Jaw Hospital. All kinds of sports and outdoor life have an interest for this active business man and he has devoted as much time as he has had at his disposal to recreations of this nature. At one time he took up the study of botany that he might enjoy and appreciate this phase of the natural life he saw about him. His membership in the Moose Jaw Golf Club indicates that he plays this popular Scotch game in the summer months while in the winter he becomes a devotee of curling. The local curling club numbers him among its most faithful members and at one time he was its president. Bibliography follows:

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