Norman J. Bellamy, general manager of the Bellamy Furniture Com- pany, Limited, of Moose Jaw, is one of the few business men of this city who have succeeded their fathers in commercial enterprises and thus represent the second generation of prominent citizens. He is the son of John Bellamy, the founder of the furniture business now incorporated under the name given above, and one of the pioneer merchants of Moose Jaw. An extended account of his life appears elsewhere in this work. Norman J. Bellamy was born on the 3d of July, 1880, in Mitchell, On- tario, but was brought to Moose Jaw by his parents as a small child and his lived here ever since. He is a graduate of the local high school. At an early age Norman J. Bellamy began working in his father's store, as do most merchant's sons if they are given the opportunity. When he had completed his high school course he devoted his entire at- tention to the furniture business and about twenty years ago took a financial interest in the establishment, which was thenceforth known by the firm name of John Bellamy & Son. Subsequently the business was reorganized as the Bellamy Furuiture Company, Limited, under which style the concern is now doing business. Norman J. Bellamy is the gen- eral manager and the person mainly responsible for the success of the store, although his father is still living and is, of course, heavily inter- ested in the company financially. One of the oldest furniture houses in the province, the Bellamy Furniture Company has progressed steadily with the advancement of the district it serves and is now one of the lead- ing establishments of its kind in Saskatchewan. It occupies a completely equipped store in a modern building that was erected by John Bellamy in 1920 and carries a large stock of goods that is selected with a view to meeting the tastes and purses of all classes of people. A conservative store policy of giving the people good values for their money, rigidly ad- hered to for forty years, has made "Bellamy's" a synonym for reliability in Moose Jaw and the company is now enjoying a large patronage that has been built up by years of patient effort. In the last few years, while the present general manager has been at the helm, the store has experi- enced a period of great prosperity that reflects great credit upon his ability as a merchant and an executive, as well as on the institution as a whole. In 1902 Mr. Bellamy was united in marriage to Miss Almina Alex- ander, who was born in Ontario and died in Moose Jaw in 1916, leaving a daughter, Miss Edith, who is now fourteen years of age. In 1920 Mr. Bellamy was married to Miss Marguerite Hopkins, the daughter of E. M. Hopkins, the newly elected member of the Dominion Parliament for Moose Jaw district. Mr. Bellamy is well known in fraternal and social circles in this city, where many of his friendships date back to school days. As a Mason he has taken degrees in both the York and Scottish Rites and he is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He is also affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and is a member of the Methodist church, as is his wife. In civic affairs he has played some part, for five years sitting on the Moose Jaw city council as an alderman, but he has never been attracted by a political career outside of local matters. His loyal support, however, is always given to the Liberal party. As a Rotarian he may be relied upon to "boost" any worthy project for the advancement of the city, for it is one of his firm convictions that the men and women who live in a city and there earn their livelihood should be the people to make it a better place civically and socially. Bibliography follows:

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