Prominent in the professional circles of Prince Albert is Dr. H. A. Lestock Reid, physician and surgeon. He was born at Gladstone, Queens- land, Australia, in October, 1868, oldest son of John Lestock and Louisa (Herbert) Reid, the former a native of Bowmanville, Ontario, and the latter of London, England. For many years the father engaged in sur- veying and at the time of his death in 1911 he was the oldest civil engi- neering graduate of McGill University. He made his home in Australia, Ceylon, and in fact, all over the world and for some time was engaged in coffee and cotton planting in the Fiji Islands before the British govern- ment took them over. Subsequently he came back to Canada and became surveyor for the Indian department, with headquarters at Ottawa. He came to Prince Albert in 1877, and resided there until his death. As far back as 1878 Mr. Reid secured a homestead in the district of Colliston, and was M. L. A. for Prince Albert, West, in 1895. At the time of his death he was seventy years of age. Mrs. Reid died in April, 1906. H. A. Lestock Reid was educated in the Presbyterian Mission School at Prince Albert and Trinity College School, Port Hope, Ontario, attend- ing Trinity for six years. After putting his textbooks aside he learned surveying under his father's tutelage. For some four years he followed that line of work in summer and studied medicine at Trinity Medical Col- lege, Toronto, during the winter. Trinity University conferred the M. D., C. M. degrees upon him in 1891. He obtained the Fellowship degree at Trinity Medical College, and his Ontario Medical License. He immedi- ately returned to Prince Albert and began active practice the same year. He has taken since then postgraduate work almost yearly, going to New York, Chicago and Rochester, Minnesota, frequently. He has also taken postgraduate work in London, Edinburgh, Paris, Berlin, Munchen, Vienna and Rome. Aside from his private practice Dr. Reid is acting assistant surgeon at the Mounted Police barracks, a position he has filled continuously since 1907. For eight years he served as health officer of Prince Albert. He suffered, like so many other westerners, after the boom days, and became land poor. But he still has firm hopes for future prosperity in western Canada. In June, 1912, Dr. Reid was married to Miss Margaret M. McKechnie, of Wiarton, Ontario, and they have become parents of three children: Joan, born in September of the year 1913; Thomas, born in April, 1915; and James, born in May of the year 1916. Dr. Reid has always practiced along strictly professional lines. He holds membership in the Saskat- chewan and Prince Albert Medical Societies, is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is actively associated with the local Rotary Club and the Round Lake Outing Club; the latter of which has some fifty members. Since attaining his majority the Doctor has given his political alle- giance to the Liberal party. He is essentially public-spirited and no move- ment for the benefit of the community seeks his aid in vain. The religious faith of Dr. Reid is that of the Church of England. Dr. and Mrs. Reid make their home at No. 157 Nineteenth street, West, and reside in the oldest house on the hill, part of the structure being log walled, built in 1879-1880. Bibliography follows:

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