One of the younger men of Regina who is making his way to the front
ranks in the business world is James R. Banks, manager of the firm of
Stockton & Mallinson, Limited. He is a Scotsman, his birth having oc-
curred in Caithness, Scotland, on the 4th of August, 1892, and the only
son of Ross and Joan (Oman) Banks of this city, both parents being na-
tives of the land of hills and heather. He was educated in the Aberdeen
grammar schools. His first employment was with the Canadian Bank of
Commerce in its Vancouver branch. Later he worked in various of its
branches in British Columbia for about two years. He left the banking
field to enter the fruit business as credit manager for the Rex Fruit
Company at Moose Jaw, a position. that he filled with such satisfaction
to the company that at the end of two years he was transferred to Regina
as its credit man in this city and arrived here in 1914. Since then he
has become manager of the firm of Stockton & Mallinson, a concern
closely connected with the Rex Fruit Company, and he now devotes his
attention to conducting its affairs. The company keeps six representa-
tives in the field all the time, four men for country work and two in the
city. Its business, which has already reached substantial proportions, is
growing steadily in a fashion that reflects credit upon the ability and
energy of its manager.
The parents of Mr. Banks emigrated to Canada from Scotland in
1911 and first took up their abode in Toronto, Ontario, but about a year
later came west to Regina. The father has not engaged in any active
business pursuit since coming to the New World. Mr. Banks' oldest
sister, Margaret, married A. Carnegie, a farmer of Assiniboia, while his
two younger sisters, Mary and Joan, live at home. The family attend
the Knox Presbyterian church. James R. Banks is a Mason, belonging
to King Hiram Lodge, No.103, A. F. & A. M. He is likewise a member
of the United Commercial Travelers. For recreation he turns to motoring
and shooting-his favorite sports-and spends his holidays enjoying
these pastimes whenever he can do so. While he is a very young man, he
has given an excellent account of himself in the business world and at-
tracted the favorable attention of older and better established men, who
consider him one of the promising men of the younger generation in
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