Since 1911 Alfred Henry Browne has been city superintendent of parks and cemeteries in Saskatoon. He was born in London, England, in August, 1883, a son of Henry and Emily (Chivers) Browne, natives of England. In early life the father learned the trade of decorator, con- tinuing in that business in his native country throughout his life. Mrs. Browne survives her husband and is residing in England. The grade and high schools of Somerset, England, afforded Alfred Henry Browne his early education and subsequently he attended Down- side Academy. At the age of thirteen years he took up the study of gar- dening and followed that line of work in England for eight years. About 1906 he left his native country and came to Canada, locating at Mea- ford, Ontario. He engaged in farming there for two years and then re- moved to Owen Sound, where he took a business course. In 1908 he came to Saskatoon and became associated with the Saskatoon Nursery, ~ con- nection he maintained one year. In 1910 he entered the employ of the Canadian Pacific Railroad and worked in its offices for one year. In May, 1911, he accepted his present position as superintendent of parks and cemeteries of Saskatoon and has been an influential factor in beauti- fying the city. He is sincerely devoted to his work and is giving thorough satisfaction to his constituency. In April, 1913, Mr. Browne was married to Miss Hettie Morris and they have three children: Margaret, born in August, 1914; Dorothy, who was born in June, 1917, and died on the 18th of December, 1921; and Joan, born on the 21st of September, 1922. Mrs. Browne's death occurred on the 8th of November, 1922. Along the line of his work Mr. Browne is identified with the Provin- cial Horticultural Society, of which he has been president for the past three years, and he was secretary of the organization for four years. The Provincial Horticultural Society was started with six members in the year 1914 and now has a membership of five hundred. Mr. Browne is an active member of the Kiwanis Club and takes a good citizen's inter- est in civic betterment, lending his influence and cooperation in the fur- therance of worth-while plans for the improvement of his home city. He is also a member of the Saskatoon Club. His religious faith is that of the Anglican church and for some time he has been a vestryman of St. John's church in this city. Mr. Browne possesses a genial and attractive personality and has hosts of friends. Saskatoon is indeed fortunate in having him at the head of her park system. Bibliography follows:

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