Joseph A. Caulder, president and general manager, Saskatchewan
Creamery & Ice Cream Company, Limited, of Moose Jaw. Born, Bristol,
Quebec, April 29, 1884; educated Morrisburg (Ontario) Collegiate Insti-
tute; religion, Presbyterian; politics, Independent. Married to Margaret
Harrington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Harrington, East Jordan,
Michigan, on April 26, 1904. Moved to western Canada in 1906. Arrived
in Winnipeg August 6th of that year and in the spring of 1907 moved to
Moose Jaw and took up permanent residence. Engaged in farming ex-
tensively the following three years. Organized the Moose Jaw Dairy
Company, Limited, in November, 1910. Later the name of this company
was changed to the Saskatchewan Creamery Company, Limited, and in
1924 the company was reorganized under a Dominion charter, under the
above name. The business has developed rapidly and during 1924 the
company operated twelve branches, with headquarters at Moose Jaw.
The products of the company are Saskatchewan creamery butter and
velvet ice cream.
Mr. Caulder served as alderman on the Moose Jaw city council dur-
ing 1919 and 1922; also served two years as a member of the Moose Jaw
Hospital Board; and one year as a director of the Children's Aid Society.
Past president of the Board of Trade; president of the Rotary Club of
Moose Jaw in 1920-21; and governor of the Fourth district, Rotary In-
ternational 1921-2. At present member of the Board of Governors of
Moose Jaw College and president of the Y. M. C. A. Also vice president,
National Dairy Council of Canada and during the year 1923 was presi-
dent of the Saskatchewan Dairy Association.
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