Saskatchewan Surnames
Addition or Update

Rootsweb / Sask Gen Web posting boards:
To ADD a new surname / query / etc. posting:
Regional Query / Surname posting | Unknown Region Sk Provincial Queries / Surname
These online posting boards come with their own search engines making them searchable by surname, location, keywords; such as
Query | Bible | Biography | Birth | Cemetery | Census | Death | Deed | Immigration | Look up | Marriage | Military | Obituary | Pension | Will

Sask Gen Web: Saskatchewan Surnames
To ADD a surname
e-mail the Sask Gen Webmaster.

Subject:Sask Gen Web Surnames
Your Email Address: your full internet email address
(e.g. ).
Your Name: your full name (e.g. "Abcd Efgh")
  1. Your surname/s researching SURNAME1
      Applicable Sask Place/s 1
    • Town A,
    • Town B
  2. Your surname/s researching SURNAME2
      Applicable Sk Place/s 2
    • Town B,
    • Town C,
  3. etc.

  4. ***PLEASE contact the regional webmasters if the proposed surname request falls within a single Gen Web region or place name. The closer you get to your intended search area, the more likely you are to find what you need.

    **PLEASE update your surname postings with a valid email address***
    so that others can contact you, and for valid surname postings.

    **PLEASE supply a valid email address so that others can contact you. Submitters are responsible for their own address updating and changes. Postings must have a valid way to contact the poster. Using whichever method is most convenient to you ... E-mail address, and / or fax number, and / or phone number, and / or postal mail, and / or web site URL address contact to remain online - so that Sask Gen Web visitors do not need to wade through impossible bounce messages! E-mail addresses, and web site URLs on Sask Gen Web are periodically tested to ensure links are current.

Sask Gen Web: Saskatchewan Surnames
To change your e-mail address / update your surname listings
e-mail the Sask Gen Webmaster.

Current Site Title: Sask Gen Web Surnames (along with relevant Surname initial letter)
Your Email Address: your full old and new internet email address
(e.g. "old address is and the new e-mail address as of dd-mm-yy is").
Your Name: your full name (e.g. "Abcd Efgh")
The surname you currently have posted in the Saskatchewan Surname pages.
  1. Your surname/s researching SURNAME1
      Applicable Sask Place/s 1
    • Town A,
    • Town B
  2. Your surname/s researching SURNAME2
      Applicable Sk Place/s 2
    • Town B,
    • Town C,
  3. etc.

  4. **PLEASE update your surname postings with a valid email address***
    so that others can contact you, and for valid surname postings.

    **PLEASE supply a valid email address so that others can contact you. Submitters are responsible for their own address updating and changes. Postings must have a valid way to contact the poster. Using whichever method is most convenient to you ... E-mail address, and / or fax number, and / or phone number, and / or postal mail, and / or web site URL address contact to remain online - so that Sask Gen Web visitors do not need to wade through impossible bounce messages! E-mail addresses, and web site URLs on Sask Gen Web are periodically tested to ensure links are current.

To add a Genealogy Web Page
e-mail the Sask Gen Webmaster.
Current Site Title: (shows up in the top blue bar of the browser)
Current URL: http://www.etc.
Your Name: your full name (e.g. "Abcd Efgh")
Subject: Family Home Page or Sk Genealogy Resource web site. Your Email Address: your full, valid internet email address
(e.g. ).

Query Page: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Regional Query / Surname posting | Unknown Region Sk Provincial Queries / Surname
Sk Surnames: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Visitor #
Web Master: Sask Gen Webmaster, for Sask Gen Web Project
Web Page title:
Web Publish Date:
Genealogy Queries