Saskatchewan Queries

Page 7



About 1900 a number of Lowland Scots migrated from South Elmsley Township, Leeds & Grenville Counties, Ontario, to the Unity area of Saskatchewan. One of these was Frank Ballantyne, a descendant of Francis Ballantyne, builder of the first house to be completed in Newcastleton, Roxburghshire, Scotland, in 1793. Francis Ballantyne was my great-great-great-great grandfather, and I am seeking information on Frank Ballantyne and his descendants. I have much information to share in return with interested parties.
Robert Ballantyne
HC 1, Box 190
Eastsound, WA 98245, USA

Searching for descendants of James(Jim) and Mary-Ann(Morrison)Jackson, Indian Head area. They settled here in the early 1900's. Any leads welcome.
Thanks. Lil Heselton

I'm a Texan with lost roots in Canada! I'm fairly new to genealogy, so patience, please. My greatgrandfather was from Ontario, but a picture I found is labeled "my brother, Thomas L Eyres, of Saskatchewan". I also have one of Isla Eyres, Sask. The photos look to be from about the turn of the century. A distant relative's genealogy shows a Thomas Eyres b.
Manitoba in 1860, d. Speers, Sask. about 1930. Do you have access to census in Canada? Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Eyres Album
Stephanie Eyres Little



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