Battleford Regional Genealogy GenWeb
Battleford Regional Genealogy GenWeb
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Welcome the the Battleford Regional GenWeb

The Battleford Regional GenWeb site provides resource information to assist you with researching your family lines in the Battleford Region of Saskatchewan. The collection contains resource links and online data specific to researching your family lines in the Battleford Region of Saskatchewan. If you are not sure if you should be looking for resources in the Battleford Region of Saskatchewan you may want to check out our Place Finder tools. Establishing the correct location for the focus of your research is a good place to start as the network of Saskatchewan GenWeb sites host resource information for each of 10 sepecific regions. If you have established that your research focus is the Battleford Region we hope you find userful information that furthers your research and connects you with your family lines.

The Battleford GenWeb Site is a resource directory provided to assist researchers in finding their way around Saskatchewan and the Battleford Region in particular. We may not have the capacity to assist you with researching your personal lines, though we can see what resources are avilable. Inquiries concerning the location of specific resources or requests to add additional resource material are always welcome. We hope the resources which are provided, will assist you in making a connection in the Battleford Region. The best place to request assistance is by posting a query or a surname interest on Battleford Gen Web Region. There you will be able to seek assistance and connect with other area researchers.

The Power of Google Search!
Customized to find Genealogy Data.
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Battleford Regional Resources

Land Grants Battleford History Locate Ancestors Resources
Battleford Places Cemetery Transcriptions Saskatchewan Museums Obituary Index
Queries Regional Books Resource Links Community Resources
Regional Surnames Look Ups Mailing Lists Saskatchewan Regional
Lloydminster region 10 Prince Albert region 11 Battleford region 7 Saskatoon Region 8 Kamsack Region 9 Kindersley Region 4 Regina Region 5 Swift Current Region 1 Moose Jaw Region 2 Weyburn Region 3 Yorkton Region 6
Request or Offer a Lookup Battleford Cemetery Project Online Book Resources

Battleford Cemetery Project

Looking for Volunteers from the communities in the Battleford area to do a cemetery list of their community cemetery. There will be room on this site to input the list. Or if you have a listing already online, please contact me.

Thanks and appreciation are extended to all of the previous Battleford Regional Site Coordinators Marilyn, Alan, Sue and Kelly for their dedication and time on the Battleford Gen Web.
Volunteers wanted
You can be part of this project

German-Russian Colony in Battleford Region

Research Russian Germany Settlement

The beginning of St. Joseph's Colony was in 1905. "Father Schweers, OMI and his fellow travellers, however were not the first newcomers to the colony; there were three settlers in the neighbourhood. These three pioneers were the original settlers in St. Joseph's Colony. They were the following farmers: Frank Wurzer, Melchior Schermann and Rudolph Schmidt, all of them born in Austria. On April 23, they arrived at their new homes coming via Battleford." ~St. Joseph's Colony 1905-1930

&#copy; Copyright 1979-

Welcome, genealogists, historians, and history enthusiasts, to the newly established home of the Battleford and area Gen Web Project! Our passionate volunteers are eager to continue their commitment to documenting the captivating genealogy, history, family narratives, and community heritage of Saskatchewan. You can now find us at our fresh domain:

This endeavor is made possible with the support of our growing Patreon community at With a new domain and hosting provider, we are dedicated to providing an enduring service with updates and progress. Your support is pivotal in ensuring that we persist year after year. Explore the evolving webpages at and witness the next chapter of the Battleford and area Gen Web Project in Saskatchewan at

We extend an invitation to visitors to consider supporting our volunteers through Patreon. Our gratitude goes to and for their past provision of free web hosting space. As we transition to maintaining paid web hosting, we ask for your support in sustaining the Battleford and area Gen Web Project.

Step into a new era with us, where your backing, in any form, is a precious contribution to the shared history that binds us all. An appeal is made to preserve invaluable documents like old telephone books, Henderson's directories, city directories, pioneer photos, letters, books, town directories, co-op membership books, credit union and elevator books, grain company records, church books, cattle brand books, school records, church lists, homestead maps, and more. These documents list names of community residents and should be preserved. Placing them online or duplicating them will help prevent the loss of primary source documents for family genealogists.

As we delve into preserving and commemorating the vibrant history of Battleford and its environs, your participation is crucial. Whether you hold memories of historical maps, one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, transcriptions, yearbooks, directories, or historical letters, your input significantly enhances understanding for fellow seekers exploring their family tree and histories. Join us on this exciting journey!

Warm regards, The Battleford and Area Gen Web Project Volunteer Team

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