Saskatchewan Ferry

Navigation on the Saskatchewan

Among my grandmother's memorabalia was an old postcard, postage 1 cent, showing a boat with the women wearing long dresses. No info. My grandmother only saved what was important to her. I set out to find out why she would have such a card among her souvenirs. From what I learned at this site: Saskatchewan and Its People Navigating the Saskatchewan, I am sure it is a ferry loading passengers to cross the South Saskatchewan River in the early 1900's where she married and raised her family. Some of the letters of the name can be seen (enlarged) on the back between the heads of the people. In the background, there is a small white "dot" that, when enlarged looks like an outpost. My cousin says it looks to him like the North Saskatchewan River near the Battlefords. My grandmother, Esther Brookbank, moved from Hartney, Manitoba to Davidson, Saskatchewan between 1901 and 1906.
I would be happy to share a copy of it. Thank you so much, Submitted by Vivian (Rogers) Rowe

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