Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

SUNNY DALE School District # 921 NE Sec 32 Tsp 10 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian formed 1903 NWT
location source Title Library and Archives Canada Exploration and Settlement

Click on image for larger size

I stumbled upon your website for one room schools in Saskatchewan. My Oma (great-grandma) was telling me about her school in Yellow Grass and we decided to do a little research.

She and her siblings attended Sunny Dale #921 in Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan in the 1930s, I can get the specific dates if you would like. I noticed you have no information about the school besides for its district and section.

We did a bit of digging and found a photo of Sunny Dale. I have attached it for you. She is unsure why there are trucks in front of it, but guesses it was around when they were converting the school into a seeding mill. Or just a line up of cars.

If you would like any dates, or stories about the school or town she would be happy to share.

Lucy Wright

Thank you so much for reaching out to the Saskatchewan One Room School House Prooject and sharing the photo of Sunny Dale School in Yellow Grass. It's wonderful to hear about your Oma's memories, and I'm so grateful for the photo you've provided. It will be a fantastic addition to our collection.

We would definitely love to learn more about Sunny Dale School, the specific dates, and any stories your Oma is willing to share. Every detail helps us build a fuller picture of the history of one-room schools in Saskatchewan, and your contribution is truly appreciated.

Please pass along our thanks to your Oma as well, and let me know if there's any additional information you'd like to share.


Map Moose Jaw Sheet Right map revised to 4th Dec 1912 Courtesy Saskatchewan Provincial Archives

The town of Yellow Grass is located 7-10-16-W2 Source
The legal land description NE Sec 32 Tsp 10 Rge 16 W2M corresponds to a location near the town of Yellow Grass in Saskatchewan. This area is situated approximately 20 kilometers (12 miles)north of the town.

Yellow Grass is a small community located in the southern part of Saskatchewan, known for its agricultural activities and close-knit community. The town offers various amenities and services to residents and visitors.

Lewvan 15-12-16-W2 is a nearby Hamlet located 22 km away from Yellow Grass
Trossachs 10-8-17-W2 is a nearby Organized Hamlet located 20 km away from Yellow Grass
Brightmore 26-9-16-W2 is a nearby Railway Point located 7 km away from Yellow Grass
Ibsen 28-10-17-W2 is a nearby Railway Point located 8 km away from Yellow Grass
Yeoman 15-8-16-W2 is a nearby Railway Point located 18 km away from Yellow Grass
Scott No. 98 is a nearby Rural Municipality located 12 km away from Yellow Grass
Brokenshell No. 68 is a nearby Rural Municipality located 18 km away from Yellow Grass
Yellow Grass 7-10-16-W2 is a nearby Town located 0 km away from Yellow Grass
McTaggart 17-9-15-W2 is a nearby Village located 14 km away from Yellow Grass

From: Lucy Wright

Subject: Sunny Dale School District 921
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Copyright. Bibliography for citations:
"Adamson, Julia, Lucy Wright (2025 February 16) Sunny Dale School District #921 Saskatchewan One Room School House Project.
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