Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

ROSE FARM School District # 2632
southwest of Herbert

1925 Rose Farm School 1925 Rose Farm-School Herbert RosefarmSchoolDistrict2632

Submitter, photographs © This picture was submitted by Patricia Schmidt

This picture has written on the back, Rose Farm School, 1925. The picture belonged to my Aunt, Gertrude Schmidt, who is in the picture as well as my father, Johann Schmidt. My Aunt has marked them with ink arrows. I am wondering if anyone else can identify other students, that might help with the exact location of this school. My Dad’s family arrived in Canada as a Mennonite immigrant from Russian , and I believe they attended this school while waiting to be placed on land. Also, my Dads older sister is not in the picture, as she was held back in South Hampton England for aprox 3 weeks, so they were also waiting for her.

Thanks for any info you can share with me, as I am trying to trace their movements upon arriving in Canada.

Patricia Schmidt

Castlegar BC

An additional note received from Merle Harrison, {Meadow Prairie / Barich School 2716},, Rosefarm School 2632 adds that "Rosefarm School is 4 miles directly south of the town of Herbert," and that Henry Penner was one of the students of Rosefarm.

Excelsior RM 166 School District Map includes:
Beaver Flat NW 29 18 12  W3
Bethania SE 15 17 10 W3
Centre Spring NW 17 17 11 W3
Diamond Hill SW 7 17 12 W3 
Donellyville SE 8 16 10 W3
Friesen SE 10 19 12 W3
Funk NW 9 19 11 W3
Goethe NW 17 18 10 W3 
Highfield NE 32 18 11 
Hovdestad SE 24 19 13 W3
Leonard S 8 18 12 W3
Lobethal SE 29 19 10 W3
Los Angeles SE 28 18 10 W3
Main Centre
Moscow NW 2 18 12 W3
Notman NW 20 16 11 W2
Reed Valley SW 1 18 10 W3 
Rockside SW 31 17 10 W3
Rush Lake
Rush Valley
Salt Lake SE 27 18 11 W3
Spenst NE 16 17 12 W3
Swan Lake SW 4 18 11 W3 
Turnhill NW 30 18 11 W3 
Waldeck NE 21 16 12

Rosefarm School district is located southwest of Herbert, Saskatchewan.
The school district straddles RM 165 and RM 166.
Herbert, Saskatchewan is located at South section 18 township 17- range 9-West of the 3rd meridian
Latitude - Longitude : 50º 25' 35'' N, 107º 13' 30'' W OR 50.4264749, -107.2249944

Nearby Placenames are:
Burnham Saskatchewan Unincorporated area
Fauna Saskatchewan Unincorporated area
Flowing Well Saskatchewan Unincorporated area
Glen Kerr Saskatchewan Unincorporated area
Herbert Saskatchewan Town
Main Centre Saskatchewan Hamlet
Old Main Centre Saskatchewan Unincorporated area
Prairie View Saskatchewan Unincorporated area
Rush Lake Saskatchewan Village
Teakle Saskatchewan Unincorporated area

For more information:

Rosefarm School 2632 contemporary images submitted by Merle Harrison

History of Rural Municipality of Excelsior No. 166 : 1910-1967
by Lee, Charles

The Rural Municipality of Excelsior No. 166, Saskatchewan was originally called Waldeck No. 166, Saskatchewan

Bittersweet years : the Herbert story
Herbert, Saskatchewan: Town of Herbert, 1987

Highway one ran parallel to the railway

School Maps

Canadian Online Historical Map Digisitaztion Project

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1. From: Patricia Schmidt
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Rose Farm School
Date October 18, 2013