![]() | ![]() Saskatchewan One Room School Project Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage. Gallery Rob Roy School District 349South East quarter Section 33 Township 23 range 10 west of the third meridiannear Lucky Lake 1911 - Lucky Lake Village South West quarter of section 25 township 23 range 9 west of the third meridian Lucky Lake is near Outlook, Saskatchewan. |
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In this project attempting to digitize Department of Education files held at the provincial archives with a digital camera, the school district images offered below, the dates of the papers are more current working their way to more historic pages. The beginnings of the school are at the bottom of the page. The yellow map was from another Provincial Archives search. These web pages are a work in progress.(However, all the pages are online, it would be nice to "neaten" them up with some cropping) The web pages which are available by clicking on the thumbnails are from Provincial Archives Collection Call Number R177.10/7 File number 349, Description of Item, Department of Education Records. In 1955 students and teachers compiled a history of their area. These reports were also submitted to the Saskatchewan Provincial Archives, and kept on file. The Rob Roy school project listed all the teachers at Rob Roy between 1912 to 1955.
To glean the informaton for their report, the students interviewed; Mr. Clifford Whittle, Mr. Archie Pennington, Mrs. Hannah Pennington, Mr. Robert Raeburn, Mr. George MacDonald, Mr. Irvin Pennington, Mr. Leo Claypool, Mr. James Williamson, Mr. Norman Gillis, and Mr. Samuel Dewey. Under the teacher, Mrs. J. Sieman, the students who came together to write up the report were Darlene Claypool, Diana Claypoool, Joan Pennington, Barbara Pennington, Ann Pennington, Del Claypool, Wayne Claypool, Errol Claypool, and Ernest Pennington. In August of 1954, "the Department of Education, in partnership with the SAskatchewan Teacher's Federation, has planned a social studies unit to make participation" in celebrating Saskatchewan's Golden Jubilee. An outline was sent out to every Saskatchewan school to be used as a general guide upon which to base an illustrated booklet comprising the history of the school community. It was encouraged that all pupils should tak part, and a student be appointed editor to coordinate the various aspects of the project. The booklet's end use was "display at exhibitions, libraries or other suitable centre." The outline could be written either chronologically or by topic. Some of the subjects presented (along with guidelines) are summarized as;
All in all, the report was to be at least 3,000 words with a table of contents. "Local newspaper editors or boards of trade might be interested in having portions of the history printed." The teacher was allowed to incorporate the project into the year's curriculum, and was adivised which areas could be substituted for other specific sections of the prescribed social studies course as per the Department of Education. This above information was gleaned from the Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Collection Call Number R3.27 Microfilm Golden Jubilee School Histories. |
For more information:Title History of Lucky Lake, 1919-1980. Imprint [Saskatchewan : s.n.], 1980 (Outlook, Sask. : Outlook Printers) Note Edited by Fanny Jordbro. Title Roots of home. Imprint Lucky Lake, SK : 2005 History Book Committee, 2008. ISBN 9781553831945 (bound) Title Salute to our seniors : Heritage Year 1985. Imprint [Regina, Sask.] : [New Horizons], [1985?]. Publishing Lucky Lake Senior Citizens (Lucky Lake, Sask.) Title Along a prairie trail. Imprint Lucky Lake, Sask. : F. Jordbro, 1981. ISBN 0889253315 To cite this website: Saskatchewan Provincial Archives, Regina, Saskatchewan. Collection Call Number: 177.10/7. File Number: 349. Description of Item: School District Files. "Rob Roy School District 349". https://saskgenweb.ca/cansk/school/RobRoy349 Digitised and Published online by Julia Adamson. Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project. Saskatchewan Gen web. Published Web. Date Accessed . Thank you for stopping by # Web Page title: URL: Copyright Web Publish Date: All Rights Reserved E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice Note: Canadian and international copyright laws serve to protect these files which have been digitized. Please contact the copyright holder for further commercial use or distribution of this material. Commercial use and re-distribution is not permitted without prior permission of the copyright holder. The Saskatchewan Provincial Archives has conditions of service, and specific non-disclosure policies. These Rob Roy files have been redacted. We encourage links to this page. It is the intention of this site to make Saskatchewan information available to persons with an historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of this digitisation service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This website is dedicated to the free sharing of these images for your own personal historical or genealogical usage. Any further use of these digitised images (for online or commercial re-publication) would require contacting the Webmaster: Julia Adamson and Saskatchewan Provincial Archives. |