Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories 1905-1955

Prongua School District 1117
NW 26 township 43 range 18 west of the thid meridian, c1904, Prongua, Saskatchewan

A collection of historical school facts
Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Finding Aid Number IR21

Prongua School District 1117

A brief synopsis of the school chapter from the Prongua Golden Jubilee booklet follows; focusing only on the facts therein (as facts cannot be copyrighted) The booklets were ingenous projects put forward by the Department of Educaton and the Saskatchewan Teacher's Federation to inlude students in the anniversary celebrations of the province. The students encompassed diverse subjects in their coverage of the history in the district, this is just briefly a bit about the school district only.

The location is cited as the north west quarter of section 26 township 43 range 18 west of the thid meridian, c1904, Prongua, Saskatchewan (South east quarter section 33 township 43 range 18 west of the third meridian). Two acres were donated for the school yard, and the first school board trustees were named. The first teacher was C.Franklin Nelson, and the pupils of the first class were mentioned. Nelson went on to become a doctor at the North Battleford provincial hosptial. In 1920, the schoolhouse was re-located, and renovations were adhered to at this time to meet the Department of Education's pre-requisites. A sports program was initiated as encouragement to keep the school enrolment up. Beginning in 1922, a sports day was held every July 1st. By 1925, the neighbouring schools thought that the sports program was a great idea, and asked to join. The Battleford Rural School Sports Association was formed including seven schools. Each school had their own shield. With a changing in teachers, the sports day was abandoned.



Mrs. A. Hampton, Mrs. H. Nelson, Miss Donna Ross, Mr. D. Bulmer, and Mr. C. Truscott all helped to compile the book.
Leonard Kolybaba, Eric Kornder, Kathleen Touss, Rachel Woytuck, Karen Hampton, Verna Lynne Nelson, Garry Nilson, Wilma Stunborn, Mary Korner, Francis Dubyna, Sharon Towes, and Dorothy Waters were the pupils who authored the book.

Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories 1905-1955

"Since the pupils of our schools should have an active part in celebrating Saskatchewan's Golden Jubilee, the Department of Education, in partnership with the Saskatchewan Teacher's Federation, has planned a social studies unit to make this participation possible." -Department of Education to all schools in the province of Saskatchewan 1944-1945 school year. An outline was sent out, not to be adhered to precisely, but rather used as a guide to follow in order to set out an illustrated and written booklet regarding the history of the school community. All pupils, where possible are encouraged to partake in the project, and the teacher should encourage an student editor to coordinate the several aspects and turnings of the project. Those in the class should return to the appointed editor with interviews of individuals in the community, maps and charts drawn up, and stories written of the history in the area. The teachers were briefed as to which aspects of the standard course curriculum in social studies could be omitted to allow for time to be allocated in school for the historical booklet research. When the booklet is finished the aim is to display the finished result at exhibitions, libraries or other centres for viewing. It was thought that the local newspapers or the community board of trade may desire to use portions of the completed historical booklet in print.

In conclusion, the booklets ~about 2,000 histories~ produced by the students of the Saskatchewan One Room School Districts were as diverse as the school districts and pioneers themselves. Though the schools and teachers were presented with outlines to assist with the report writing, the development of the community, its settlement and economic growth presented unique stamps of character on each separate chapter and finished booklet. If one needs to find history of a certain district in Saskatchewan, perusing these microfilms is well worth it, the students presented a valuable encapusation of time in their reports which should indeed be treasured by future generations.

It is wise to do some groundwork for smaller communities as the Centralization of the one rooms school house came about in 1955 / 1956 with towns and villages housing the Larger School Units, and the one room schools with a small enrolment were closing. The larger consolidated school unit classes writing the reports would ofttimes include the history of these historical one room school houses. As these booklets are still under copyright, they cannot be shared online. It is best to step into the Archives of Saskatchewan and have a look at the microfilms themselves.

Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Finding Aid Number IR21, Title Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories has retained these reports on 38 microfilm reels numbers R-3.1 to R-3.3.8. All in all about 2,000 histories were produced by the various schools in honour of the provincial Golden Jubilee celebrations which commemorated the anniversary of Saskatchewan which came into existence Friday, September 1, 1905. All histories were sent to a "Jubilee Sub'Committee on Historic Sites, Maps and Publications, and from there they were microfilmed by the Saskatchewan Archives Board and returned to the respective schools.

One Room Schoolhouse Gallery

For burther information:
Title Pioneer ways & bygone days in the West Eagle Hills : a history of Prongua, Battle River, Lindequist and districts / compiled by Prongua, Battle River and Lindequist History Book Committee. 1983

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Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories 1905-1955 Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Finding Aid Number IR21
Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories 1905-1955: School historical facts
A collection of historical school facts
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Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories 1905-1955