Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

PODOLIA School District # 2384
NW section 9 Tsp 34 Rge 31 W1
Arran (P.O. located at Sec.1, Twp.34, R.31, W1 village located at SW 6 Tsp 34 Rge 30 W1)

004 005 006 007 008
004.jpg 005.jpg 006.jpg 007.jpg 008.jpg
009 010 010a 011 012
009.jpg 010.jpg 010a.jpg 011.jpg 012.jpg
013 014 016 2384 Tsp34-Rge31-W1
013.jpg 014.jpg 016.jpg 2384.jpg Tsp34-Rge31-W1.jpg

Submitter, photographs © These historical school pictures were submitted by Thelma Findlay
Establishment of School imagery: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Hi Julia.

Me again \85 thought you would like this series of photos of Podolia School, which is located north-west of Arran, Saskatchewan.

This is where my mother Myroslawka (Marion) Nahnybida was born/raised and attended school.

Sorry the photo isn\92t the best. It is only a photocopy that I have in my records. (004 and text on 005)

The second document (005) attached indicates who some of the students are.

This photo (004) is likely 1934-35 \96 I am basing this on approx. age of my Aunt Ethel Nahnybida (in the photo).

This photo (006) (and accompanying identification map 007) was taken at a fair held at the school.

(006) Likely taken around 1931-34, based on age John Nahnybida (No. 29 in the photo) would have been at the time.

This one (008) taken about 1943 \96 my mother, Marion, was in Grade 2 at the time.

First year my Mom (Marion Nahnybida) was in school, therefore, this (009) was likely taken 1938 (if she was 6 years old at the time).

(010) Taken c.1942.

These folks (including my Aunts Ethel and Gloria) used to chum around,

and school was often a meeting place.

This photo (011 and 012) taken c.1935, based on Ethel and Tony Nahnbyida\92s poss. age at this time.

Pic. (013) poss. 1931.

Photo (014) c.1948 \96 my Mom, Marion, was 13 at the time.

Photo (016) Bill andd Tara Babiuk at the school sign: PODOLIA School District # 2384
built June 9 1909 closed 1964
NW section 9 Tsp 34 Rge 31 W1

Regards, and all the best of the holiday season,

Thelma Findlay
Winnipeg MB
Researching: Weslak Nahnybida Lewandoski Radewicz Ulanowicz Frondzey Zemba Wasyluk Trenaman
Kellsey Cook Wyatt Archer Trump Hinckley Caudon/Cowan Findlater/Findlay McClurg McCoy Rowsell

(Arran P.O. Sec.1, Twp.34, R.31, W1 village located at SW 6 Tsp 34 Rge 30 W1)

An addendum of August 2017 submitted by Thelma Findlay ;

Some additional images about the establishment of Podolia School 2384 as follows:
1 Notice
2 Poll Book
3 Mintues
4 Boundary Map
5 Petition Form
6 Ratepayer Map
7 Poll Book
8 Petition Letter
9 Declaration
10 Bylaw

White school District maps showing SD 2384 from
School District maps Swan River Sheet Left SK

Yellow Railway Tsp Rge Map showing Tsp 34 Rge 31 W1
1924 Rand McNally maps

More information:

Author Holland, Debbie
Title The village of Arran / Debbie Holland
Published [Arran, Sask.] : Debbie Holland, 2006
ISBN 1550991493

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1. From: Thelma Findlay
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Podolia School - N.W. of Arran
Date December 18, 2011