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McKay School District 135
SW 4 17 2 W2, 1888-1951, Whitewood,

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Submitter school inspection document scan Thelma Findlay

Department of Education
Report of Superintendent of Schools
To Secretary Mrs. Ernest Pritchard | Date November 1, 1948
Address Whitewood, Sask. | Adddress of Superintendent Broadview, Sask.
McKay S.D. No.135 | Broadview Unit No. 18
Dates of visits October 27, 1948
Staff List:
Miss Mary Esther Wyatt
Saskatchewan Certificate Permanent First
P.O. Address Whitewood Sask.

Newborgor 2657 was the first school that my mother-in-law Mary nee: Wyatt taught at (c.1948/49) after she finished Normal School in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, and she taught in Whitewood next.

Thelma Findlay
Researching: Weslak Nahnybida Lewandoski Radewicz Ulanowicz Frondzey Zemba Wasyluk Trenaman
Kellsey Cook Wyatt Archer Trump Hinckley Caudon/Cowan Findlater/Findlay McClurg McCoy Rowsell

The Schools of Saskatchewan Inspected not Supervised. The open country, and small village schoo1s have no provision for close, effective supervision. The representatives of the Department of Education charged with the important function of enforcing educational policy in the various parts of the Province are properly called, inspectors. In 1917, Broadview Unit No. 18 was 2,957 square miles in area.

More information: School Inspection and Professional Supervision A Survey of Education in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada. A Report to the Government of Saskatchewan by Harold W. Foght, .Ph.D.

Legal Land Locations
McKay School District 135, SW 4 17 2 W2, 1888-1951, Whitewood
Whitewood locates at north section 7 township 16 range 2 west of the second meridian
Percival locates at NW section 19 township 16 range 3 west of the second meridian
Broadview locates at section 26 township 16 range 5 west of the second meridian

Attached white school district map marked in green is from the

School district maps - Moose Mountain Sheet Right

which shows the School Districts Numerically

The attached yellow 1924 township range railway map marking tsp 17 rge 2 W2 in green is from the

1924 Rand McNally Map

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1. From: Thelma Findlay
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: McKay 135 one room schoolhouse, Saskatchewan
Date August 19, 2011