Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Rosedale School, School District #145
Sec 22 Tsp 12 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian.
Vandura school, School District #1164
Sec Tsp 12 Rge 2 W of the 2 Meridian.

School Pictures:

At School Close Document
A pdf file

First day of Grade 1 at Vandura school, September, 1957

Mary E. Lewis

One room schools in southeastern Saskatchewan;

Rosedale School, School District #145, Sec 22 Tsp 12 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian.

Vandura school, School District #1164, Sec Tsp 12 Rge 2 W of the 2 Meridian.

"First day of Grade 1 at Vandura school, September, 1957"

I, Glennis Lewis, attended a one room school in Vandura for the first two years of my schooling. I have a picture of myself on the first day of school in 1957; looking very keen with my lunch box and books. My sister and I got to school via horse and cart in the spring and fall, and horse and cutter in the winter. It was the beginning of a long journey through the educational system as I have five university degrees, including a Doctorate in Biology and a Masters degree in Law. And it all started in a one room school house in rural Saskatchewan!

The Aunt of Glennis Lewis, Mary E. Lewis, was a teacher at Rosedale School, District 145, while my grandfather, George C. Lewis, was the Secretary and Treasurer. My father, Edgar Lewis, was among the eleven students who attended the school in the early 1900's. The little document entitled "At School Close" which is likely from 1913. It lists names of the school board members, the teacher and the students. It also has a few pages of poetry and quotations. (including an ode to the flag above the school house door!)

The land on which Rosedale school was built was donated by my Grandfather, George C. Lewis, as it was part of his homestead lands (Woodside Farm). My aunt taught for 4 1/2 years following her training at normal school. She then trained as a nurse at Vancouver General Hospital and went on to nurse at Riverside Hospital in Riverside, California. The picture is from the Second World War when she served in the US Army Corps of Nurses. She was the chief nurse for the USS Comfort, a medical ship that suffered many casualties when it was hit by a kamikaze plane. Mary E. Lewis was Director of Nursing at Riverside Hospital until her retirement. She died in 1978.

I am happy to share these items with those who have an interest in one room schools in Saskatchewan. It is simply wonderful that they can be seen on line.

Best regards,

Glennis Lewis

Ottawa, Ontario

George C. Lewis received a western land grant patent from the Dominion Government for:
NE Section 22 Township 12 Range 1 West of the Second Meridian
50.0149 North Latitude 102.051 West Longitude

SW Section 22 Township 12 Range 1 West of the Second Meridian
50.0076 North Latitude 102.0623 West Longitude

NW Section 22 Township 12 Range 1 West of the Second Meridian
50.0149 North Latitude 102.0623 West Longitude


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Map from Maps Moose Mountain NE area Bibliography:
1. From: Glennis Lewis
To: E-mail Sask Gen Web
Subject: Contributions to the One Room School Project
Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2008