Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

KIRKWALL School District # 4647

SE Sec ? Tsp 52 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian
Garrick, Saskatchewan, Canada

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My son found your web site for the Saskatchewan One Room School Project and sent me the link
because he knew of my potential interest. Absolutely fascinating!

My father, Mr. Harold John Brown, taught at Kirkwall School near White Fox & Garrick from 1955
to 1956 when I was 3 - 4 years old. My family (mother Hratchouhi Brown, father Harold Brown
and myself) came over from England in the summer of 1955 along with dozens of other teachers
after my father was hired through Saskatchewan House in London. We lived for one year in the
two-room teacherage (no running water ? just a pump that froze in the winter, a pot-bellied
wood stove for heat and a wood-burning range for cooking, plus a well and an outhouse at the
edge of the bush) and dad taught in the one-room school up by Highway 55 (before it was re-
routed). ( We came out on the steamship Captain Cook (aka Letitia - see attached postcard
from the ship) and took the CN from Montreal to Saskatoon along with a trainload of other
English teachers heading for Saskatchewan. )

I have digitized photos that my parents took which I would be pleased to share. I will write a
short article to go with them, more on that later.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Submitter, photographs © Phil Brown

Other Sources of Information about this school and area:

Garrick, an unincorporated area is located at NW Sec.17, Twp.52, R.16, W2 and belongs to Torch River No. 488 Rural Municipality. Garrick is situated along Saskatchewan Highway 55, a part of the Northern Woods and Water Route.

Choiceland at SW Sec.4, Twp.52, R.17, W2 is west of Garrick.
Love post office is located just to the east at SW 1/4 Sec.16, Twp.52, R.15, W2.
Nipawin is the closest large centre located southeast at Twp.50, R.14, W2.

Large Map showing the potential northern location for SD 4647
(Tsp 56 is the northern most Tsp on this map,
and Rge 16 is near the west end of the map.)

Small Map showing the potential northern location for SD 4647

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Map showing Garrick on the rail line

Title From forest to farmland : history of Garrick and district
Published Garrick, Sask. 1990
Author Garrick History Committee
ISBN 0889258694

Title Where trails end and rivers meet : White Fox and districts
Published White Fox, Sask. : White Fox History Book Committee, 1986
Other Author McElroy, Joyce
White Fox History Book Committee
ISBN 0889256047

It was a Saturday at the end of February 1926 that pioneers met at Bert Rothwell's home to discuss organising a school district in the White Fox area. George Bulmer, Bertram Rothwell, Tom Hillis, A. England, and James Harcus were in attendance. Under the Dominion Land Act provisions were made that Sections 11 and 29 of each township were school sections. The school in this area was centrally situated on the SE quarter of section 4 Township 52 Range 16 West of the 2nd Meridian. The total rural land area served by the school house encompassed 2,3,4,5,8,9,10 an 11 of 52, 16, W2 as well as sections 26, 27, 28, 29, 32,33,34, and 35 of township 51, 16 W2, portions of section 1,12,6,7 of 52,16,W2. Supplies were purchased locally for the frame building which was opened for classes January 3, 1927.

Wilfrid, Ruth, Virdun, and Winston Rothwell, Helen Taylor, Jean, Dick, and James Harcus, Myrtle, Byron Bulmer, as well as Norma and Irwin Williams. Mr. Orlin R. Hunt was the inaugural teacher for the first two years.

Christmas Concerts welcomed visits from Santa every year. Mrs Mollison, the school treasurer helped organise the concert yearly which included plays and recitations.

The school building was used for church services until the end of 1951. Kirkwall school burned own January 28, 1952, and classes were held that year at Adolph Johnson's home.
The Friendship Club conducted fund raising activities, bazaars, teas and handicrafts to supplement church, school and community activities. The proceeds helped to purchase a piano, fund the hospital and church buildings as well as support the Red Cross and Cancer fund. Fire victims were supported and weddings, and births honoured. The ladies met monthly until the Frienship club issolved December 1959.

exerpted from page 75-77 Where trails end and rivers meet : White Fox and districts

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Submitter, photographs © Phil Brown
Date: Friday, July 30, 2010 7:24 pm
Subject: Kirkwall School