Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy,
preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural,
and cultural, heritage.

GRASSY CREEK School District # 520
Rural Municipality Shamrock 134
SE Sec 36 Tsp 8 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian
near Kelstern, Shaunavon , Scotsguard
Saskatchewan, Canada

GRASSY CREEK 	School District # 520 Map, 	SE 	Sec 36 	Tsp 8 	Rge 18 	W of the 3 Meridian, 		Shaunavon , Scotsguard, Saskatchewan

Submitter, photographs © This picture were photographed Karl McCuaig and submitted by Christa Kaytor

GRASSY CREEK 	School District # 520 Map, 	SE 	Sec 36 	Tsp 8 	Rge 18 	W of the 3 Meridian, 		Shaunavon , Scotsguard, Saskatchewan

For more information:

Title Harvest of prairie memories / [edited by] Bill Dale ; assisted by Verna (Ketler) Duncan
Published [Saskatchewan : s.n.], 1981

Other nearby placenames according to Geographical Names of Canada:
Bateman 22-12-6-W3 is a nearby Hamlet
Droxford 10-16-6-W3 is a nearby Locality
Flowing Well 18-15-7-W3 is a nearby Locality
Hodgeville 25-13-8-W3 is a nearby Village
Kelstern 6-14-6-W3 is a nearby Hamlet
Shamrock 9-14-5-W3 is a nearby Village
Shamrock No. 134 is a nearby Rural Municipality
St. Boswells 36-12-7-W3 is a nearby Hamlet
Vogel 6-14-7-W3 is a nearby Railway Point
Wiwa Hill 18-13-5-W3 is a nearby Locality

School Maps

Canadian Online Historical Map Digisitation Project

Gallery | Other images submitted by Christa Kaytor

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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
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1. From: This picture were photographed Karl McCuaig and submitted by Christa Kaytor