Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacher
FOX HILLS School District # 190.

1910 Organised. 1912 Classes.
SW of SE 14 Township 24 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian
near Fox Hills P.O. SE Section 14 Tsp 24 Rge 16 W2
province of Saskatchewan, Canada

A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacher, A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacher,FOX HILLS 	School District # 190, 	1910 Organised, 1912 Classes, 	SW of SE 	14 	Township 24 	Range 16 	W of the 2 nd Meridian, 	near Fox Hills, 	  	P.O. SE Section 14 Tsp 24 Rge 16 W2,     SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA

Photo contributed by Tommy Henrich

A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacher, A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacher,FOX HILLS 	School District # 190, 	1910 Organised, 1912 Classes, 	SW of SE 	14 	Township 24 	Range 16 	W of the 2 nd Meridian, 	near Fox Hills, 	  	P.O. SE Section 14 Tsp 24 Rge 16 W2,     SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA

For more information:

As the name and location of the photo was at first unknown, from doing follow up research regarding the below time line, the above photo is now believed to be FOX HILLS School District # 190. 1910 Organised. 1912 Classes. SW of SE 14 Township 24 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Fox Hills P.O. SE Section 14 Tsp 24 Rge 16 W2

A family time line is provided of Sam Axenty, the school teacher in the above photograph, and his brother, John Axenty:

  • In 1899, his family emigrated to Canada and homesteaded in, what would become, MacNutt, Saskatchewan.
  • Sam Axenty graduated at Regina, Spring 1914.
  • According to the book; Cupar District Taking Root....And Growing, Simeon Axente was the teacher for Fox Hill District #190 in 1915 (the third teacher at the school since it opened in 1912). Another teacher was listed for 1916, so Simeon is recorded for one year at this school location
  • Married on June 6th, 1916 in Dysart, SK.
  • According to the book; Dysart and District Yesterday and Today First Edition Sam Axenty, who was teaching at Fox Hills then, took over as secretary of Gardiner SD 3428 in 1920. Though, the Dysart local history book suggests Sam was teaching at Fox Hills in 1920, he is not listed in the teacher listing for Fox Hills in the Cupar local history book for 1920.
  • Sam was a school teacher and had three children born in Dysart

John Axenty travelled from year to year teaching. He never established himself too long in any one place until moving to CA.
  • John Axenty also graduated at Regina, Spring 1914.
  • married Nov 1914 in Lennard, MB
  • John taught at Beaver School Fall 1914 - Spring 1915.
  • John moved to the new Gardiner School, Dysart, Fall 1915 - Spring 1916.
  • John's first child, Mary, was born in Dysart in 1915, the year he taught there.
  • Melville 1916- 1919
  • His 2nd daughter was born in Melville, May 1919.
  • I believe his brother Sam took over Gardiner School Fall 1916, since he was living in Dysart and his first three children were all born in Dysart.
  • taught one year (probably Fall 1919 - Spring 1920) somewhere near MacNutt. Those Were the Days: The History of MacNutt, Calder, Dropmore, and the surrounding districts, 'pioneer to present' His 3rd child, Steve, was born in MacNutt.

Two other relatives of mine, and graduates of the 1914 class of Ruthenian Teachers were my Great-Grandfather, John Lewontiuk, and his brother Demetro Lewontiuk. John Lewontiuk was a brother-in-law to John & Sam Axenty as he was married to their sister, Minadora Axenty. John Lewontiuk, was teaching in the Calder/MacNutt area. I have many old documents, including old teaching contracts, pay records, pay disputes, etc. for John Lewontiuk. These four men all began teach careers after graduating in 1914, until they all emigrated to Southern California, 1920 - 1921.

Zenon Pohorecky writes that Calder and MacNutt, Canora, Dysart, Regina, Kayville, Limerick, Stonehenge, and Wood Mountain saw a significant amount of Roumanian settlers who arrived in the first wave of Roumanian settlers to the area between 1900 and 1913. The second wave arrived 1920-1929, helping on the railway branch lines. From Pohorecky, Zenon. Saskatchewan People, A Brief Illustrated Guide to their Ethnocultures. Second (enlarged) edition. 1977. Saskatoon.

Gilbert Johnson in his article, The Roumanians in Western Canada, relates that the settlements with Roumanian pioneers were Dysart, MacNutt, Canora, Regina, Assiniboia, Flintoft and Cavell. Johnson says that some Roumanians settled near Ukranians of the Orthodox faith. From The Roumanians in Western Canada. Saskatchewan History [magazine]. Editor D.H. Bocking. Winger 1964. Volume XVII. Number 1. Saskatchewan Archives Board.

K.I. Fung editor of The Saskatchewan Atlas, Celebrating the Millenium Edition places Roumanians at Shell Valley by 1906, Canora early 1900s, Dysart and Lupescu by 1906, Dahinda and Kayville by 1912, and finally Assiniboia-Wood Mountain by 1914.

Ion (John) Axenty 26 January 1891 - 20 December 1974 on Find A Grave

Ancestors & Relatives of my parents, James W. Henrich and Maureen P. Mulvaney by Tommy Henrich

Tommy Henrich biography

Beaver SD 374 Class image North East quarter of section 35 township 26 range 7 west of the second meridian. John Axenty teacher and class. September 26, 1914. Near Beaver Dale locates at section 15-township 26-range 7-West of the 2nd meridian and Rock Dell locates at section 22- Township 25- range 7-West of the 2nd meridian.

Gardiner SD 3428 Class Images Southwest Quarter Sec 4 Tsp 24 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian. Ion "John" Axenty first teacher and class. August 15, 1915. North of Dysart, SK - SW section 04-township 24- range 15 West of the 2nd meridian.

1914 Ruthenian Teachers Convention

Ukrainian people places : the Ukrainians, Germans, Mennonites, Hutterites and Doukhobors and the names they brought to by Bill Barry

List of Canadian place names of Ukrainian origin

Cupar and District Museum Schools main pageDysart and District museum school photos

School Map used with permission

Historical township, range, meridian maps

Explaining legal land locations, township, ranges and meridians

Dysart and District Yesterday and Today First Edition.
Compiled and published by Dysart Historical Society.
Printed by Friesen's Corporation. History Book Division. Altona, Manitoba. 2010.
ISBN 978-1-55383-268-3

Cupar District Taking Root....And Growing.
Cupar Historical Committee.
Modern Press. Saskatoon, SK.
Isabel Ormiston Editor. Page 71

Romanian Placenames and locations:
Assiniboia 10-8-30-W2
Balgonie 3-18-17-W2
Canora 25-30-4-W2
Cavell 12-38-19-W3
Coblenz later name Cavell
Dahinda 15-9-23-W2
Dysart 9-23-15-W2
Elm Springs 14-5-2-W3
Kayville 14-9-24-W2
Lakenheath 12-7-3-W3
Limerick 18-8-2-W3
Lupescu 30-24-16-W2
MacNutt 22-24-30-W1
Regina 19-17-19-W2
Stonehenge 31-6-1-W3
Wood Mountain 8-5-3-W3

Ruthenian Placenames and locations:

Calder SW 15-25-31-W1
MacNutt SW 22-24-30-W1
Limerick SW 18-8-2-W2
Dahinda NE 15-9-23-W2
Kayville SE 14-9-24-W2
Regina NW 19-17-19-W2
Dysart NE 9-23-15-W2
Lupescu SW 30-24-16-W2
Canora NE 25-30-4-W2
Wood Mountain 8-5-3-W3
Stonehenge 31-6-1-W3
Flintoft NE 9-6-3-W3
Assiniboia 10-8-30-W2
Cavell NW 12-38-19-W3

Cupar School District 972
Cupar Golden Jubilee.
Dedicated to the Pioneers of Cupar and District.

Written and Compiled by:
Schools: Room IV
Editorial Board Irene Lautsch
Barbara Turner
Eleanor Lautsch
Lewis Anderson
Artist Ethel Kish
Photographer L.M. MacKnack
Supervised by J.N.W. Elkington and his staff:
Mr. O. Glyn-Jones
Mr. J. Billy
Mr. R. Peters.

Cupar School District 972
Cupar Golden Jubilee.
Dedicated to the Pioneers of Cupar and District.

A brief synopsis of the school chapter from the Cupar 1954-1955 booklet follows.

To the north west the 1954 map shows WILEY 2340, to the north east are MARIGOLD SD 4807 (1923), FOX HILLS SD 140 (1928), to the south are GLEN MURRAY SD 4496 (1940) and DALRYMPLE SD 524 (1902) and finally to the east is DELWOOD SD 4668. HARRINGTON school district 972 became the first school in the community established when the area was still part of the North-West Territories. In 1904 one acre of land was bought on the north east corner of section 12 township 23 range 17. The town of Cupar was situated on the north west corner of section 8 township 23 range 16 west of the second meridian. The construction and style of the school house is described along with some materials for the class room such as maps, school register, hand ball, teacher's desk and chair etc. The booklet lists Miss Christine Cameron as the first teacher. The school building was allocated for church services. In 1907, the school name changed from HARRINGTON to CUPAR SCHOOL DISTRICT. At this time the schoolhouse was moved into the village of Cupar on lot 11, block 6. That summer, a brick two storey school building was needed. By 1920, a new public school ws erected, and the high school was expanded upon.

The students who attended Cupar School in 1918 were listed along with Fred Trafford and J. N. Smith the van drivers. Cupar Consolidated School District had four van routes, which expanded to seven. Cupar absorbed FOX HILLS, MARIGOLD, GLEN MURRAY, DALRYMPLE, and CUPAR.

The authors of the CUPAR historical booklet delved into LITTLE TOUCHWOOD SCHOOL, which had its beginnings in 1910, and a schoolhouse went up the following year. Alice Meehan became the first teacher. LITTLE TOUCHWOOD met with flames in 1951 and was burned to the ground. The community replaced the school.
DALRYMPLE SCHOOL was erected in 1900, and classes began in April of 1901. The first class pupils are listed who started with Miss A. Meehan - the teacher. This log school house was replaced by a brick school in the 1920s.

MARIGOLD SCHOOL went up in 1929, and opened in 1930. The students were conveyed to Cupar in 1953 when MARIGOLD shut its doors. MARIGOLD began under two teachers, Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Wood. The schoolhouse was re-locatd to the KELLIHER district as a school there.

FOX HILLS had its beginnings in 1910, with classes starting in 1911. FOX HILLS also closed in 1953. Teachers and Trustees are listed.

GLEN MURRAY SCHOOL 4496 began in Mr. G.B. Johnson office in the summer of 1922. The first students of this class are listed. The first teacher was Miss Isabelle Drever. The complete listing of teachers were:
Miss C. MeehanSept 1925-June 1928
Miss CraigSept 1928-June 1929
Miss McDonaldSept 1929 - Dec 1929
Miss BryeJan 1930-June 1931
Mr. D. MeehanSept 1931 - June 1932
Miss R. McKinnonSept 1932 - June 1934
Miss M. SteeleSept 1934 - June 1936
Mr. J. FindlaySept 1936 - June 1941
Miss M. FerrierSept 1941 - June 1942
Miss K. KolenishSept 1942-Dec 1942
School closed 1947
The secretaries are also listed. The vote to join CUPAR CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT was held in 1951. Most voted nay. The school house was moved into Dysart in 1952, GLEN MURRAY students attended CUPAR SCHOOL.

Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories 1905-1955"Since the pupils of our schools should have an active part in celebrating Saskatchewan's Golden Jubilee, the Department of Education, in partnership with the Saskatchewan Teacher's Federation, has planned a social studies unit to make this participation possible." -Department of Education to all schools in the province of Saskatchewan 1944-1945 school year. An outline was sent out, not to be adhered to precisely, but rather used as a guide to follow in order to set out an illustrated and written booklet regarding the history of the school community. All pupils, where possible are encouraged to partake in the project, and the teacher should encourage an student editor to coordinate the several aspects and turnings of the project. Those in the class should return to the appointed editor with interviews of individuals in the community, maps and charts draswn up, and stories written of the history in the area. The teachers were briefed as to which aspects of the standard course curriculum in social studies could be omitted to allow for time to be allocated in school for the historical booklet research. When the booklet is finished the aim is to display the finished result at exhibitions, libraries or other centres for viewing. It was thought that the local newspapers or the community board of trade may desire to use portions of the completed historical booklet in print.
A collection of historical school facts
Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Finding Aid Number IR21


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1. From: Tommy Henrich
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Re: RE permissions to use photo on Saskatchewan one room schoolhouse project
Email March 23, 2015

A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacher,FOX HILLS School District # 190, 1910 Organised, 1912 Classes, SW of SE 14 Township 24 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian, near Fox Hills, P.O. SE Section 14 Tsp 24 Rge 16 W2, A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacher,FOX HILLS School District # 190, 1910 Organised, 1912 Classes, SW of SE 14 Township 24 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian, near Fox Hills, P.O. SE Section 14 Tsp 24 Rge 16 W2, A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacher,A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacher,A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacher province of Saskatchewan, Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada, HISTORIC EDUCATION, HERITAGE EDUCATION, HISTORY OF EDUCATION, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, HISTORIC EDUCATION, HERITAGE EDUCATION, HISTORY OF EDUCATION, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,