Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Cut Knife School District 1992
SE section 5 township 44 range 21 west of the third meridian
Cut Knife Village
post office Sec.6, Twp.44, R.21, W3 - 1905-11-01 and SW 1/4 Sec.32, Twp.43, R.21, W3,

Cut Knife School District 1992

October 1905, a school district meeting was held and the peition to the Department of Education was sent. In February of 1908 was built on SE section 5, Township 44 Range 21 West of the Third Meridian.

In 1917 the classes commenced in a new two room school built in the village of Cutknife. An additional "Cottage school" was erected in 1923.

By 1949, a four room school house was erected, and in 1957, a six room school house.
Facts excerpted from a display in the Clayton McLain Memorial Museum, Cut Knife

Submitter, photographs © These pictures were taken by Red Lauttamus

One Room School Districts, Churches, Cemeteries
in the area of Yorkton, and the New Finland District

 Cut Knife School District 1992
School Maps segment used with permission

_  Cut Knife School District 1992

Railway map segment from 1925 Waghorn's Guide and Map used with permission
Township Range, meridian information


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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
Battleford Gen Web Region

One Room School Districts, Churches, Cemeteries
in the area of Yorkton, and the New Finland District

E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice - Submitter

1. From: Red Lauttamus
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Cut Knife School District 1992, Saskatchewan
Date August 17, 2012