Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project Chatham School District, Kenaston, SK, CA

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Chatham SD 3117
1914-1956 Original School Building moved to Girvin, SK and is a residence.
NE 26-29-29-W2
Hilledge School Building moved here
NW 19-29-28-W2 Re-named Chatham.

Chatham School 3117 Pictures

It is 14 mi east of Kenaston, SK. on Highway #15
Located east of the intersection south to Davidson, SK.
Hilledge S.D. 4676 was located NW 2-22-29-W3
which was 8 miles east of Kenaston,SK from 1926-1948.
Chatham Original School Building located at NE 26-29-29-W2
from 1914-1956 when it was moved to Girvin and is a residence.
Hilledge S.D. building moved to NW 19-29-28 W2 and was re-named Chatham S.D.
Serving Lothian, Farrerdale, and Meuse S.D. Served in 1980 as a community center.
Kith 'N Kin
the history of Kenaston and District

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Chatham School pictures submitted by photographer:
Julia Adamson
Sask Gen Web Webmaster
Date: September 10, 2005