Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Carlton Siding School District #4072
Tsp 44 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian.

- Collins School District 3235 Map
Northwest section 11 township 21 range 11 west of the third meridian
Near the post office of Collins Southeast section 23 township 21 range 11 west of the third meridian
Ernie UnRuh - last Principal of Carlton Siding School, Carlton, Saskatchewan, 1963 Biography




I was very happy to see that Saskatchewan has a One Room School Project. 


My father, Ernie UnRuh, taught in a number of one-room school houses in Saskatchewan. I have attached a few photos that might be of interest to the Project. He and Sylvia Benoit had six children, who went to one-room school houses at various times in their lives. In fact, in Carlton, he was the last Principal/Teacher before the school was moved to Duck Lake in 1963 - five of his six children went to school there. I have 38 photos of most, not all, of the students from I think it is 1963, which I would be pleased to send to you if you are interested in them.


The photos I have attached are:


my father with students when he was teaching at Mount Teviot School in Brightholme in 1953; 

- my father with his first son, David, at the doors of the teacherage at Mount Teviot School, Brightholme, 1953;

- some of the students at the Collins School Hallowe'en party near Beechy, Sask.,1956; and

- Cowessess Day School near Broadview, Sask., 1965 - the grade one class;

- Cowessess Day School going on a field trip to Regina, 1965;

- the link to the photos of the students at Carlton Siding School (1963) is but you should get this as a separate e-mail if all goes well :)


Feel free to use whichever photos you think might be useful.


Following is a short bio of Ernie UnRuh - the one-room schools are indicated in bold, and following the bio are the schools that I think correspond to the schools listed in the Project's registry.


First the bio: 


Ernie UnRuh


22 Apr. 1926  Born in Lucky Lake, Sask., to David H. and Olga (Regier) UnRuh, German immigrants who fled Russia in 1924.

1944               Graduated from Grade 12 at Lucky Lake High School, Lucky Lake, Sask.

1944-45         Attended Normal School in Saskatoon, Sask.

1945               Taught at Rex School Division, Lloydminster, Alberta.

1945               Taught at Mount Nebo, Sask. (near Canwood).

1945-47?       Taught at Timberlost log school, about 20 miles from Big River, Sask. (37 students from Grades 1-8).

1947-48         Vice-Principal of a 5-room school in Big River.

1947-48         co-owned the Cafe in Bouchard's Hall, Big River.

1948-49         Ran the "Coffee Pot Cafe", Rosthern, Sask.

1949-51         Taught on Mistawasis First Nations School, near Mount Nebo, Sask.

1950               Married Sylvia Benoit from Leask, Sask. on Dec. 27.

1951-53         Taught at Brightholme (Mount Teviot) School, South of Shellbrook (29 children, Grades 1-11).

1952               Ran as Liberal Candidate in Provincial politics, Shellbrook - lost.

1953-54         With Mutual Life Insurance in Prince Albert, Sask.

1954-55         Continental Life Insurance Manager in Regina, Sask.

1956-57         Taught at Collins School, near Beechy, Sask.

1957               Campaign Manager for Dr. Partridge against John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister (in Prince Albert, Sask.).

1957               Ran the Lakeview Hotel and Waskesiu Lodge in Waskesiu, Sask.

1957-58         Principal at Tweedsmuir School (North West of Prince Albert in the Christopher Lake area). 

1958-60         Manager of Niagara Cyclo Massage in Prince Albert, Sask.

1958               Liberal candidate for Prince Albert against John Diefenbaker in Mar. - lost.

July 1958       Manager of Niagara Cyclo Massage, Saskatoon , Sask.

1960-63         Taught at Carlton Siding School (One-Room Grades 1-8) at Carlton, Sask. Wife, Sylvia, helped with the music programme.

1963-65         Taught at the Cowessess First Nations Day School (near Broadview, Sask) (two-room school house). Wife, Sylvia, helped with the music programme and gave cooking lessons to the women.

Cowessess First Nation - Home to Lakeside Day School opened in 1934
Cowesses First Nation on Sask Biz

1965               Taught at Sawanik First Nations School, near Prince Albert, Sask.

1966-67         Taught the inmates at Saskatchewan Penitentiary in Prince Albert.

1967-71         Moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba . Taught at Stony Mountain Penitentiary near Winnipeg.

May 71           Graduated with a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from the Univ. of Saskatoon, Sask., and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from the Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, on the same day.

1971-74         Taught at Aberdeen Jr. Middle School, Winnipeg.

1974-76         Vice Principal at Isaac Newton Middle School, Winnipeg.

1976-81         Principal of Aberdeen Jr. Middle School, Winnipeg.

1981-86         Vice Principal of Sisler Middle School, Winnipeg.

1987-89         Principal of Churchill High School, Winnipeg.

1989               Retired.

22 Nov. 2004  Died at age 78 - buried in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He and wife, Sylvia, had six children: David (1952), Donald (1953), Jo-Ann (1955), Daryl and Caryl (1957) and Dwane (1960).



The various one-room schools that he taught at and that are listed in the One-Room School House Project are:




School District # 442



Tsp 50

Rge 6

W of the 3 Meridian

Sk A / Sask A

Shellbrook / Mont Nebo

Book: Pages of the Past : History of Shell Lake-Mont Nebo districts
Mont Nebo School District 442
School built 1906, and closed 1955
Shell Lake History (Association) Shell Lake, Saskatchewan: Shell Lake History, 1986

1945-47:    Timberlost log school - can't find. (20 miles from Big River) - it might be under Timberland:


School District # 5080



Tsp 54

Rge 11

W of the 3 Meridian

Sk A


Timberland School built 1936 and closed in 1957 is located 12 kilomters northeast of Leoville in Spiritwood RM 496. Timberland was declared a National Historic Site January 10, 1995.




School District # 137





W of the Meridian

Sk A

Mount Nebo / Ordale







School District # 2204



Tsp 48

Rge 4

W of the 3 Meridian

Sk A





School District # 3235


Sec 11

Tsp 21

Rge 11

W of the 3 Meridian


Beechy * / Ardkenneth *




                      TWEEDSMUIR SCHOOL - Can't find it in the Project.  Maybe the closest would be:


School District # 2903


Sec 16

Tsp 50

Rge 8

W of the 3 Meridian


Shell Lake *


1960-63:  this should say "Carlton Siding" - it's listed a few times under Carlton as well. We knew it as Carlton "Siding" School.



School District # 4072



Tsp 44

Rge 4

W of the 3 Meridian

Sk A




School District # 864



Tsp 44

Rge 4

W of the 2 Meridian

Sask A




                      Cowessess First Nations Day School near Broadview, Sask. - two-rooms, so probably doesn't count.



                       Sawanik First Nations School near Prince Albert, Sask. - can't find.


Nearby Placenames

Bird's Point Village
Broadview Town
Cotham Unincorporated area
Dubuc Village
Elcapo No. 154 Rural Municipality
Espeseth Cove Hamlet
Grayson No. 184 Rural Municipality
Grenfell Beach Unincorporated area
Kahkewistahaw Indian Reserve
Marieval Unincorporated area
Melville Beach Village
Moose Bay Hamlet
Oakshela Unincorporated area
Ochapowace Indian Reserve
Percival Hamlet
Sakimay Indian Reserve
Shesheep Indian Reserve
Stockholm Village
Sunset Beach Hamlet
West End Village

Keep up the good work!


Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information. And also to let me know if you are interested in receiving the individual photos of the last class at the Carlton Siding One-Room School House.


Best wishes,


Jo-Ann UnRuh B

for the Ernie UnRuh family

e-mail: Jo-Ann UnRuh B

: e-mail


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Map for Carlton SD #864
Map for Mt Nebo SD #442
Map for Mistawasis SD #137
Map for Brightholm SD #2204
Map for The Collins SD #3235
Tweedsmuir School District 5108 would be at SE section 25 township 51 range 26 west of the third meridian on this map
Cowessess Day School locates on the Cowessess First Nations Reserve Bibliography:
1. From: Jo-Ann UnRuh B
To: E-mail Sask Gen Web
Subject:Saskatchewan One Room School Project - Ernie UnRuh
Date: October 8, 2013