Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Union Jack Flag raised for Unknown Creek School District
Ingeborg Marie Bergquist - teacher

Unknown schoolhouse name, flying Union Jack Flag

"I found this photo among my husband's paternal grandmother's photos. The back of the photo states that she taught school there in 1917. Her name was Ingeborg Marie Bergquist b. Sweden,1898, died in St. Paul, MN in 1978. She was married to Charles Gotfrid Peterson. I was wondering if you could verify this photo for me."
Ginny Law Peterson

Writing seems to say;
Where I taught
Had to raise this
flag. (Union Jack)
every day-"

The school name on the sign posted above the double doors for this school house may perhaps end in the word "CRE?K" so possibly a one room schoolhouse ending in the word Creek. There is a solid slash in the line below where it may be part of the schoolhouse district number or the year of the schoolhouse, but cannot be discerned clearly as to what the lower line may have been about.

There are several SK One room schoolhouses with "Creek" in the title such as Amisk Creek 799, Antelope Creek 4751, Armstrong Creek 5210, Bear Creek 4830, Beaver Creek 3128, Bedard Creek 4904, Bell Creek 2226, Bighorn Creek 3458, Birch Creek 1875, Bisset Creek 5051, Bjelde Creek 2995, Bluff Creek 1066, Boggy Creek 64, Bone Creek 646, Boule Creek 3314, Box Elder Creek 2975, Bridge Creek 4495, British Creek 4495, Bull Creek 2901, Bull Creek 4262, Chippman Creek 863, Clear Creek 424, Coal Creek 3752, Conjuring Creek 415, Connell Creek 4648, Convent Creek 4640, Coulee Creek 3978, Cow Creek 2874, Crooked Creek School 1181, Creek 4887, and a number of other schools beginning with the word Creek like Creek Hill, Creek Side, Creek Valley, Creek View, Creek Field, Creek Ford, Creek side, though the sign dimensions do not lend itself to the beginning of the school name starting with Creek. Then there are all the other schools in the alphabetical listing to go through as well.

There are other clues though.
The Union Jack flag was the flag of Great Britain, and as such, flew in the British North American colonies such as Canada until 1965. The Maple Leaf flag was approved in December of 1964. So, schools forming before 1965 would have flown the Union Jack flag which would have been the majority - if not all - of the one room schoolhouses.

That being said, those schools formed in the year 1917 would have possessed a lower school district number, as schools, as they formed across the North West Territories incremented their school district number by one on formation and registration with the Department of Education (now the Ministry of Education). When the provinces of Alberta and Saskatcheawn formed there had been schools numbered up to School District 1409.

Crocus Prairie School 3906 was built in 1917. So the school district number was very likely lower than 3906 for this photograph, ruling out several schools in the above listing such as Antelope Creek 4751, Armstrong Creek 5210, Bear Creek 4830, Bedard Creek 4904, Bridge Creek 4495, British Creek 4495, Bull Creek 4262, Connell Creek 4648, Convent Creek 4640, Coulee Creek 3978, Creek 4887

Leaving possibilities of Amisk Creek 799, Beaver Creek 3128, Bell Creek 2226, Bighorn Creek 3458, Birch Creek 1875, Bisset Creek 5051, Bjelde Creek 2995, Bluff Creek 1066, Boggy Creek 64, Bone Creek 646, Boule Creek 3314, Box Elder Creek 2975,Bull Creek 2901,Chippman Creek 863, Clear Creek 424, Coal Creek 3752, Conjuring Creek 415, Cow Creek 2874, Crooked Creek School 1181, and so on throughout the entire online alphaetical school house listing.

Searching systematically in this way continuing onwards from Creek School through the alphabetical listing of school house names till one arrives at the end the school house names beginning with Z, and watching the school district number for year of formation, one should get a listing of school house names and their district number, which would mean then a search for a schoolhouse with a double door in this configuration (which is not a popular schoolhouse build)

However, posting it online to see if anyone recognizes this schoolhouse with a potential naming ending in Cre?k and district number lower than about 3906 and with a double door in the front, maybe a query on line will work better.

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1. Submitted by Ginny Law Peterson
Subject: Unknown School flying Union Jack Flag.
Date: Oct 30, 2022

CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan, Union Jack Flag, Ingeborg Marie Bergquist , Sweden,1898, died in St. Paul, MN in 1978, Ingeborg Bergquist, 1898-1978, Minnesota, USA, United States, husband Charles Gotfrid Peterson, Charles Peterson, Mr and Mrs Charles Peterson, Mrs Ingeborg Peterson, nee Bergquist, Miss Ingeborg Bergquist, Union Jack Flag, Ingeborg Marie Bergquist , Sweden,1898, died in St. Paul, MN in 1978, Ingeborg Bergquist, 1898-1978, Minnesota, USA, United States, husband Charles Gotfrid Peterson, Charles Peterson, Mr and Mrs Charles Peterson, Mrs Ingeborg Peterson, nee Bergquist, Miss Ingeborg Bergquist, Union Jack Flag, Ingeborg Marie Bergquist , Sweden,1898, died in St. Paul, MN in 1978, Ingeborg Bergquist, 1898-1978, Minnesota, USA, United States, husband Charles Gotfrid Peterson, Charles Peterson, Mr and Mrs Charles Peterson, Mrs Ingeborg Peterson, nee Bergquist, Miss Ingeborg Bergquist, Union Jack Flag, Ingeborg Marie Bergquist , Sweden,1898, died in St. Paul, MN in 1978, Ingeborg Bergquist, 1898-1978, Minnesota, USA, United States, husband Charles Gotfrid Peterson, Charles Peterson, Mr and Mrs Charles Peterson, Mrs Ingeborg Peterson, nee Bergquist, Miss Ingeborg Bergquist, Union Jack Flag, Ingeborg Marie Bergquist , Sweden,1898, died in St. Paul, MN in 1978, Ingeborg Bergquist, 1898-1978, Minnesota, USA, United States, husband Charles Gotfrid Peterson, Charles Peterson, Mr and Mrs Charles Peterson, Mrs Ingeborg Peterson, nee Bergquist, Miss Ingeborg Bergquist,